The Early Methams

Thomas de Metham I (d.1302) and John de Metham (d.1311)

There is a Metham family tradition that their descent can be traced back to the Norman conquest.

According to this, the manor of Metham was granted by the conqueror to Leo de Pero of Bayonne, whose son Albred was the first to take the surname Metham.

Six generations then follow until we come to the Metham where we'll start our story - John Metham.

John was a local knight of some importance, serving on drainage commissions, acting as the local tax collector and serving in the war with the Scots.

He died in May 1312, possibly in active service in Scotland. However, it's his widow and his heir who make it into the history books.

About 1298, John married Sybil, heiress of the Hamelton and Markenfield families, and they had a son, Thomas. While still a young boy Thomas seems to have been kidnapped twice -

firstly while his father was still alive by his uncle Jordan Metham, and then after being recovered by his mother, kidnapped after his fathers death by Sir William Constable. The Constables were (and still are) an important East Riding family. Since he would inherit the Metham estates, he was a valuable match, and the king demanded he should be found and kept safe.

His widowed mother Sybil was also valuable, having the income from the Metham estates during her sons childhood, as well as being an heiress in her own right.

What happened to the widow Sybil seems to be as follows:-


- on May 17, the King (Edward II) takes over John of Metham's lands, as he is the feudal overlord and the heir (Thomas) is under age.

- a few weeks after her husbands death she marries a man called Robert Stiveton

- on June 8th, Robert claims that a gang of men, including Hugh Scot and Nicholas Portington, broke into Metham Hall, raped Sybil and carried her of off along with some of his goods.

- on June 18th the king grants most of the Metham inheritance to Sybil 'by the kings special grace'. He also makes an order for her protection. It's worth noting

that Edward II was actually in Howden between June 6 and 15 - did he and Sybil meet?

- on July 23, the Kings grants some more of the Metham manors to Robert and Sybil jointly, as John's father had already transferred them them to Sybil on her marriage to John

- around this date Sybil is imprisoned in York Castle, reason unknown. On July 30th, she is released into the hands of John de Markenfield, a trusted serveant of Edward II and probably a relative of Sybils. Two of the men who provides surety for her are Miles Stapleton and Gerard Salvain. Gerard Salvayn is Sherrif of York, and we'll come across him and the Stapletons again later.

- in September, Hugh Scot is accused of breaking into Metham Hall again, beats up the caretaker and steals 3 horses - worth £10


- in April, there's another complaint from Robert that Hugh Scot and others have broken into Metham Hall

- In July, Sybil is in prison in York again. The bizarre story is that she had entered Metham Hall at night along with Hugh Scot and other members of the gang who previously abducted her, and stolen £330, . The £330 was tax money which had been collected by her late husband.

Sybil and the others were released when it turned out the money had already been handed over to the exchequer, so could not have been stolen in the first place.

- December 1st. Gerard Salvayn (who helped get Sybil out of jail in 1312) and Hugh Scot (who robbed, abducted and raped her) are jointly accused of assaulting John Hunt in York.

- on the same day, a group of men are accused of 'divers felonies and trespasses'. They include

John De Markenfield, Robert Stiveton and two other Stivetons, John Hunt, Thomas Harper, the caretaker of Metham hall and another of his family


April 21

John De Markenfield, Robert Stiveton and one other Stiveton, John Hunt and Thomas Harper are all pardoned for the rape of Sybil Metham

August - Robert de Stiveton murders Hugh Scot, seemingly when they were both in the kings presence. He flees the country. The king assumes control of the Metham properties.

December - Gerard Salvayn is accused of stealing property from the Metham manors of Pollington, Bellasis and Metham.

1315 - 1316

- Gerard Salvayn again accused - this time of breaking into Pollington, Bellasis, Metham and Bursea and attacking the king's agent Richard Squire

- Sibyl granted control of Eggborough, Pollington and Balne, plus some manors in Notts and Essex 'as the king wishes to show her special grace'

- Gerard Salvyn pardoned by the king, in return for the manor of Sandhall and £2,000!

- 1316 November 25 Robert de Styveton is back in England and detained in York castle.


- Jan 24 - Robert Stiveton acquitted of murdering Hugh Scot, as no-one will accuse of the crime.

- July 22 - Robert Stiveton claims that while at Skipton, Sibyl has again been abducted. Among others, the abductors are named as her son Thomas Metham,

Thomas's uncles Nicholas, Jordan and another Thomas, as well as Nicholas Portington (again).

We'll leave Sybil at this point, as she marries for the third time - to none other than Nicholas Portington, the man who abducted her twice. However, the story continues with Thomas Metham II.