Alexander Metham

Alexander (1375-1416)

Thomas Metham III only son, Alexander, was born in 1375. From his name, we can assume that his father thought he would follow in the military tradition. However, the early years of the 15C saw little action in France, so it wasn't until Henry V's Agincourt campaign that Alexander joined up. Sadly, he never made it to the battle.

Henry's original intention was not to fight the french army, but to conquer territory.

In mid August 1415 a fleet took his army across the channel and he besieged Harfleur. As usual with sieges, the attackers suffered as much if not more than the defenders. About 2,000 of Henry's army died of disease, and another 5,000 were too ill to fight.

The sick (Alexander Metham amongst them) were sent home with the fleet in October. Alexander may never have recovered, as he died less than two years later at the age of 42.

A couple of points to note is firstly that he's described as an archer, not a man at arms. A man at arms had to have several horses, weapons and armour, and a serveant (a valet or varlet) to help him. I suspect

Alexander lacked some of this equipment, so was paid at the same rate as an archer, rather than actual using a bow. Also returning home sick at the same time was Robert Metham (presumably a relative) and Robert Saltmarsh.


Writ 14 June 1416.

SURREY. Inquisition. Southwark. 4 Nov. 1416.

He held a house in Southwark called ‘Bolehede at Stewes’ with cottage and garden in his demesne as of fee of the bishop of Winchester by a yearly rent of 11s. payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, annual value 6s.8d.

He died on 8 June last. Thomas his son and heir is aged 16 years and more.


Writ Lancaster. 16 Nov. 1416.

LANCASTER. Inquisition. Lancaster. 15 Jan. 1417.

He held lands and tenements in Ashton in his demesne as of fee of the duke of Bedford by knight service, annual value 5 marks.

He died on 9 June last. Thomas his son and heir is aged 15 years and more.


Writ 14 June 1416.

YORK. Inquisition [hole in MS]. Jan. (after Epiphany) 1417.

He held in his demesne as of fee:

Southburn, 7 messuages, 14 bovates, and Tibthorpe, 1 messuage, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £6.

Tibthorpe, 1 messuage, 2 bovates, of John lord Roos, service unknown, annual value 20s.

North Cave, 5 messuages, 8 bovates, 3 1/2 a. meadow and … bovates … in Kettlethorpe, of St. Peter’s cathedral, York, service unknown, annual value 60s.

Drewton, 6 bovates, of Thomas de Myton, service unknown, annual value 16s.8d.

Yarm, 1 messuage, 10 bovates, of John Studhow, service unknown, annual value 16s.8d.

Naburn, 40 a., of William Palmes, service unknown, annual value 10s.

Metham, the manor, with 3 cottages, 40 a. in Greenoak, 60 messuages, 15 bovates in Howden, 5 messuages, 80 a. in Newland, 5 messuages, 70 a. in Skelton, 24 a. in Thorp, 4 messuages, 24 a. in Kilpin,

all of the bishop of Durham, services unknown, annual value £20.

Yorkfleet, 1 messuage … a. arable and meadow, and a fishgarth, of the prior of Finchale, service unknown, annual value …

Blacktoft, 1 messuage, 12 a., of R … H …, knight, service unknown, annual value 40d.

Balkholme, half the manor;

Sandhome and ‘Lympynhyll’ 1 messuage, 20 a.;

Saltmarsh, 1 messuage, 2 bovates;

Eastrington, 5 messuages, 8 cottages and 20 a.;

Ousthorpe, 6 cottages, 80 a.;

Linton, 1 messuage, 30 a.;

Brakenholme, 12 a.; and

Belby, 4 messuages, 30 a., all of the bishop of Durham, service unknown, annual value £20.

Howden, 14 messuages, late of the prior of Durham, of the fee of St. Cuthbert, service unknown, annual value 20s.

Bursea, a 4th part of the manor, of the heirs of Philip Spenser, service unknown, annual value 30s.

Bellasize, 1 toft and 80 a., of the heirs of Robert de la More, service unknown, annual value 20s.

Airmyn, an enclosure of 6 a. and 20 a., moor, of the king of the honor of Pontefract of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown, annual value 8s.

Pollington, half the manor, annual value £20, and the manors of ‘Vernoille’ in Balne, annual value 60s., Eggborough, annual value 40s., and Thorne, annual value £26, all of the king of the same honor, services unknown.

Wath in Ryedale, the manor of John de Moubray, Earl Marshal, service unknown, annual value £4.

Wombleton, 20 messuages, 24 bovates, meadow and 40 a. wood, and Muscoates and North Holme, 9 messuages, 14 bovates, 6 a. meadow, of the heirs of the earl of Kent, services unknown, annual values 100s. and 100s.

Slingsby, 1 messuage, 1 bovate, of the baron of Greystoke, service unknown, annual value 4s.

Wiganthorpe and Terrington, the manors, with the advowson of Terrington, of Geoffrey Loterell, service unknown, annual value …

Kirkby Fleetham, the manor, of the heirs of Lord Gray, service unknown, annual value 60s.

Langton on Swale, 2 messuages and 4 bovates, of Henry lord Fitzhugh, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.

Melsonby, the manor and advowson, of the heirs of Lord Gray, service unknown, annual value 100s.

Stapleton, the manor, of Richard lord Scrope of Masham, service unknown, annual value £8.

Dalton, the manor, of the earldom of Richmond, service unknown, annual value £12.

Marr, the manor, of John Fastolf, knight, lord of Bentley, service unknown, annual value £12.

Thorp Arch, 1 messuage, 20 a. arable, and 4 a. meadow, of the Earl Marshal, service unknown, annual value 12s.

Hurst Courtney, the manor, of the king of the honor of Pontefract, service unknown, annual value nil

because Thomas granted a yearly rent of £20 from this manor and the manors of Bubnell and Baslow in Derbyshire to Alexander, Elizabeth his wife and his heirs.

Widdington, the manor, extending in Widdington and Nun Monkton, of John Mowbray, Earl Marshall, service unknown,

annual value nil because charged with a similar rent to Alexander and Elizabeth and his heirs by the grant of Robert Peirson of Eastrington by a deed dated at Metham on 15 June 1415.

Laxton, the manor, with a fee called ‘Graynelfe’ in Skelton, Saltmarsh and Balkholm in Howden, jointly with Elizabeth his wife, who survives him,

by the gift of Thomas de Metham, knight, his father, by a charter dated at Metham on 11 April 1400, to them and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Thomas and his heirs.

They are held of the bishop of Durham, service unknown, annual value £12.

Thomas his son and heir is aged 16 years and more.