
Programme of events 2024-25


September 26th AGM

October 31st. Roy Cooper Memorial Lecture. 

                                Prof. Rebecca Nealon (University of Warwick) - Warped Accretion Discs

November 28th. Dr. Julian Onions (Univserity of Nottingham) - Crazy Interstellar Rockets

December 2nd (Monday)   Inter-society Christmas Quiz at Bromsgrove Astronomical Society

December 12th.     HoEAS Xmas Meal

December 19th. Keith Middleton - Voyager - the great explorer  #


January 30th. Members Night #

February 27th. Mike Frost (BAA Historical Section) -  Yerkes Observatory

March 27th. Quiz Night

Friday April 11th - Sunday April 13th.  BAA Winchester Weekend

April 24th. Dr. Nick Hewitt (BAA) - The most important observation ever made?

May 29th. Dr. Steve Barrett (University of Liverpool) - Cosmic Rays 

August 9th (Saturday)    Perseid Meteor Watch

# denotes HoEAS member speaker

Thursday unless stated otherwise.  Meetings start 20:00hrs

(Speakers and meeting dates/times are subject to change)