Privacy Notice
HoEAS Privacy Notice.
May 2018
1.0 What personal data does HoEAS collect?
The data collected includes members’ names, postal addresses, email addresses, and telephone contact numbers. This is collected when members’ join or change their details.
Continuous video data is also recorded of the carpark area at the society’s meeting rooms in Furnace End.
Photographs are taken occasionally at society club meetings, outings, and events.
2.0 What is this personal data used for?
We use members’ data for the administration of memberships, emailing notices of society events and other newsworthy information.
The video data is used to protect members’ vehicles against vandalism whilst on site.
Photographs are used for the society’s web page and also for historical purposes.
3.0 Who is your data shared with?
The HoEAS do not share any personal data with anyone.
Your personal data is not passed on by us to any organisation.
4.0 Where does this data come from?
Members’ data is supplied when they join HoEAS, renew their membership or when they update their information.
The car park video data is provided by our security camera.
Photographs come from members’ cameras.
5.0 How is your data stored?
This information is stored on password protected PC's and spreadsheets managed by the HoEAS committee.
Car park video is stored on our security camera system hard drive.
Photographs are uploaded to our web page.
6.0 Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?
The committee is responsible for ensuring HoEAS discharges its obligations under the GDPR.
7.0 Who has access to your data?
The HoEAS committee have access to members’ data allowing them to carry out their legitimate tasks for the running of the society.
Any member can ask for a copy of the security video if their vehicle is damaged, to help with insurance or criminal proceedings.
All members’ and the general public have access to our web page to view photographs.
8.0 What is the legal basis for collecting this data?
HoEAS collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation.
For some data, such as that relating to financial matters, the basis for its collection and retention is to comply with our legal obligations.
9.0 How you can check what data we have about you?
If you want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, you should contact the HoEAS Treasurer.
10.0 Does HoEAS collect any “special” data?
The GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as “special categories of personal data”.
We do not record any such special data.
11.0 How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?
You should contact a member of the committee if you wish for your data to be removed, limited or corrected.
There are various ways in which you can limit how your data is used.
· You could maintain your club membership with your correct name but with limited contact details. However, we do need to have at least one method of contacting you.
· You could for example delete your email address, but this would limit the information we are able to provide to you.
12.0 How long do we keep your data for, and why?
We will hold members’ data as long as they are members.
We normally keep members’ data for 12 months after they resign or their membership lapses in case they later wish to re-join. However, we will delete any former member’s contact details entirely on request.
Other data, such as that relating to accounting, is kept for the legally required period.
13.0 What happens if a member dies?
We normally keep members’ information after they die for 12 months.
If requested by their next-of-kin to delete it, this can be arranged with a committee member.
14.0 Can you download your data to use it elsewhere?
No. Individuals’ personal data cannot be downloaded to use it elsewhere.
15.0 Consent
By consenting to this privacy notice, you are giving the HoEAS committee permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified.
You may withdraw consent at any time by writing to the HoEAS Committee, asking for your personal information to be removed from the club records.
If you choose not to share your personal data with us, we will not be able to administer your membership.