Joining the HoEAS

The Old Exchange meeting rooms are quite small, so common sense and health and safety issues dictate the number of members we can safely take in the lecture rooms.  This number is currently 25, and inevitably there are times when a waiting list to join the HoEAS occurs.  

Please contact the Chairman at or the secretary at for further details.

Under 18's MUST be accompanied by an adult!

Guests are allowed two visits before being asked to join if there are available places.

We are happy to advise any amateurs on setting up and using telescopes.  Please contact one of the committee for further information! 

Annual subscriptions are £25.00, due on September 1st, or the first Thursday thereafter.

Joining the committee:

Each member is entitled to run for a committee position, not a post.  Once elected it is then decided who does what.  Committee forms are posted on the clubs notice board on the first Thursday in September, and removed one week before the AGM. 

You must be a paid up member to be nominated, and have been a paid up member for a minimum of 12 months.  Persons who propose and second nominees must also be paid up members.

If more than three names are proposed, a vote will take place at the AGM.