Heart of England
Astronomical Society
Founded 1988
The HOEAS is a member of the Federation of Astronomical Societies and is affiliated to the British Astronomical Association
The Heart of England Astronomical Society meet every Thursday evening throughout the year from 9pm onwards, at the 'Old Exchange' meeting rooms in the village of Furnace End, North Warwickshire.
The Heart of England Astronomical Society meet every Thursday evening throughout the year from 9pm onwards, at the 'Old Exchange' meeting rooms in the village of Furnace End, North Warwickshire.
The last Thursday of the month from September to May is reserved for formal meetings - either guest speakers or HoEAS members (see Programme). These meetings start at 8.00pm, with the rooms open from 7.30pm.
The last Thursday of the month from September to May is reserved for formal meetings - either guest speakers or HoEAS members (see Programme). These meetings start at 8.00pm, with the rooms open from 7.30pm.
January 30th, 2025
Members Night
(Speakers and meeting dates/times are subject to change)
Last updated November 28th, 2024