My Mission:  To develop my capacity in delivering quality teaching and carrying out quality research.

My Favorite quote: "Dream is not the thing you see in sleep but is that thing that doesn't let you sleep." - APJ Abdul Kalam.

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About me:

I'm Haridas Kumar Das, a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Mathematics, Oklahoma State University, USA. My  Ph.D. mentor Dr. Lucas M. Stolerman, at Oklahoma State University, USA. I obtained B.S. in Mathematics from University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), an M. S. in Pure Mathematics from University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) and an M. Sc. in Mathematics from Concordia Uiversity (Canada).  Here is about my mentor, Syed Twareque Ali – in Memoriam  at Concordia University. 

In 2022 summer, I joined the Math-to-Industry Boot Camp VII (June 20 – July 29, 2022) at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities as a graduate student advised by Thomas Hoft and Daniel Spirn. I participated in a training on ``Intro to AI-driven Science on Supercomputers: A Student Training Series,'' Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, from September 2 to Novemver 8, 2022. 

I am organizing a biweekly seminar in the SIAM OSU Student Chapter and co-organizing the study Session in mathematical epidemiology and dynamical systems (main organizer is my advisor  Dr. Lucas M. Stolerman) at Oklahoma State University.  I am also the president and founder of the SIAM OSU Student Chapter

I have worked as a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and am currently on study leave. I also served as a full-time faculty at United International University (UIU), Bangladesh, for a couple of years.

Research Interests

My current research interests are mainly in Epidemiology, Disease Modelling, Data-Driven Methods, Machine Learning, and Biological Networks. I have published my work in national and international journals and conferences. See my list of publications.  

Software skills and computer programming:  MATLAB for simulation, R and Python for Data Science, Mathematica for analytic computation, FORTRAN,  Maple, AMPL, C, C+ +. 

Check out my Google Scholar, Research Gate, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook Profile.