
Conference abstracts


Chen HJ, Strong C, Yang HY. Different sources of healthy eating norms and their association with children’s changes in healthy eating. Society for Epidemiologic Research 51th Annual Meeting, 2018. Baltimore, MD.

Hsu YT, Chen HJ, Yufika A. Dietary knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Ramadan safe fasting among Muslim T2DM patients. Nutrition 2018. Boston. MA.


Chen HJ, Pan WH. Time-of-day Macronutrient Intake and Blood Pressure Levels: The Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan. Experimental Biology 2017. Chicago, IL.

Yang HY, Lin YC, Wu HC, Chen HJ. The Association between Children’s Weight Status Awareness and Nutritional, Physical Activity Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior in Rural Taiwan. Experimental Biology 2017. Chicago, IL.


陳信任,張新儀,莊紹源,潘文涵。熱量攝取時間與血脂代謝指標之相關性研究(Oral presentation)。台灣公共衛生年會。台北。

Juwara A, Chen HJ. Dietary patterns close socioeconomic disparity in adolescents’ height and adiposity level in urban Gambia. Experimental Biology 2016. San Diego, CA.


Chen HJ, Pan WH. Body Roundness Status: a Predictor for Metabolic Health in Children: Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan. Obesity Week 2015. Los Angeles, CA.

Juwara A, Chen HJ, Huang N. Disparities of under- and overnutrition among Middle School Students in Urban Gambia. Obesity Week 2015. Los Angeles, CA.

顧皓婷,潘文涵,陳信任. 台灣民眾早餐飲食型態之地區差異. 台灣公共衛生學會年會. 新北市, 台灣.

周仲安,陳信任,潘文涵. 就業狀態與進食時序型態相關之探討. 台灣公共衛生學會年會. 新北市, 台灣.

翁詩涵,陳信任,潘文涵. 某研究中心「食物紅黃綠標」介入計畫之過程評估. 台灣公共衛生學會年會. 新北市, 台灣.


Chen HJ, Wang Y. Relationship between Changes of Food Store Environment and Children's Linear Growths around Pubertal Age: The US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. (Oral presentation) International Congress on Obesity 2014. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Chen HJ, Wang Y. Gender differences in impact of food stores in neighborhoods on children’s obesity status change: U.S. early childhood longitudinal study. (Oral presentation) Experimental Biology 2014. San Diego, CA.

Chen HJ, Pan WH. Metabolic Syndrome Components’ Tendency to Cluster in Pre-Pubertal Children Disappeared with Adjustment for Growth Parameters. Obesity Week 2014. Boston, MA.


Chen HJ, H Xue, Wang Y. Interdependency between physical education and food environment in school on students' energy balance: an agent-based model. Experimental Biology 2013. Boston, MA.


Chen HJ, Kirby JB, Liang L, Wang Y. Associations between child's and parental obesity status and neighborhood food store environment. The Obesity Society 30th Annual Scientific Meeting. San Antonio, TX.


Chen HJ, Wang Y. Racial-socioeconomic disparities in dynamics of local food outlets and fitness facilities in the U.S. (Oral presentation) Experimental Biology 2011. Washington DC.

Yang HY, Chen HJ, Wang Y. Do health professionals provide overweight and obese Americans with advice regarding weight control, and what factor affect the practice? (Oral presentation) Experimental Biology 2011. Washington DC.

Wang Y, Xue H, Chen HJ, Igusa T. Systems analysis of the complex obesity etiology and trends. (Oral presentation) Experimental Biology 2011. Washington DC.