Introduction to Indian Philosophy


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Full text of "Introduction to Indian Philosophy" - Internet Archive

An Introduction to Indian Philosophy BY SATISHCHANDRA CHATTERJEE, M.A., ... Ethics 73 V.Conclusion 77 CHAPTER HI THE J A IN A PHILOSOPHY * 81-127 I. ..... The many systems of philosophy beginning from the materialism of the ...


An Introduction to Indian Philosophy BY SATISHCHANDRA CHATTERJEE, M.A., Ph.D & DHEERENDRAMOHAN DATTA, M.A., Ph.D UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA First EDrrrcm-5-10.S!> Second Edition— 1944 Third Edition— 1948 (PEINTED IN INDIA) PRINTED AND PUBLISHED 13* N1SHITCHANDRA SEN, 8UPERINTENDKXT (OI'PO.) , CALCUTTA UN1VKRSIT1T PRESS, 48, HAZRA ROAD, BALLTfUUNUF., CALCUTTA. 1605B— Aug., 1948— C. To SIR S. RADHAKRISHNAN AND PROFESSOR K. C. BHATTACHARYYA WHOSE TEACHINGS HAVE INSPIRED THE AUTHORS J>" CONTENTS Page PrEFACE.TO THE FlRST EDITION xiii Preface to the Second "Edition xvi Preface to the Third Edition xix CHAPTEE 1 *' ■ GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1-60 I. The Basic Features of Indian Philosophy 1 » 1. The Nature of Philosophy. 3 2. The Meaning and Scope of Tndian Philo- sophy i 3. ' The Schools of Indian Philosophy o tj ■ 6- , 4. The Places of Authority and Reasoning in Indian Philosophy 8 5. How the Indian Systems Gradually Developed 11 6. The Common Characters of the Indian Systems J4T 7. The Space-Time Background ' 24 SSH. A Brief Sketch of the Systems 27 ^ A. The Carvaka System 27 2. The Jaina System 29 Jf. The Bauddha System , 33 \A. The Nyaya System • 37 5. The Vaisesika System 40 6. The Sarikhya System 44 7. Tfce Yoga System 49 l 8. The Mvmamsa, System &1 9. The Vedanta System 55

etc ... etc ... etc ...
