historyofphilosophy.net - Podcast Series Covering The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps - A1.2. Episodes 015 - 033: Classical philosophy - Socrates and Plato


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015 socrates-and-plato

A1.2. Classical philosophy - Socrates and Plato

Beginning with episode 15, Peter looks at Socrates and how he paved the way for Plato -- with whom philosophy might be said to come of age. Episodes on Plato investigate the literary and philosophical features of such famous dialogues as the Meno, Phaedo, Republic, Parmenides, and Timaeus, as well as lesser known works like the Euthydemus, the Charmides and the Cratylus. Look for interviews with Raphael Woolf, Fiona Leigh, Frisbee Sheffield and MM McCabe.

Episode 15: Socrates without Plato - the Portrayals of Aristophanes and Xenophon

Episode 16: Plato's Socrates

Episode 17: Woolf on Socrates

Episode 18: Plato's Life and Works

Episode 19: Charmides and Euthydemus

Episode 20: Plato's Gorgias

Episode 21: Plato's Meno

Episode 22: Plato's Theaetetus

Episode 23: McCabe on Plato

Episode 24: Plato's Phaedo

Episode 25: Plato's Republic pt.1

Episode 26: Plato's Republic pt.2

Episode 27: Plato's Parmenides

Episode 28: Leigh on the Sophist

Episode 29: Plato's Cratylus

Episode 30: Plato's Timaeus

Episode 31: Plato's Erotic Dialogues

Episode 32: Sheffield on Platonic Love

Episode 33: Plato on Myth


Socrates according to the comic poet Aristophanes and the historian Xenophon

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Episode 15: Socrates without Plato


Socratic virtue, ignorance and irony in the Platonic dialogues Socrates' claim that no one does wrong willingly

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e 16: Plato’s Socrates


Raphael Woolf discusses Socrates as presented by Plato

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Episode 17: Woolf on Socrates


The life, times and dialogues of Plato

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Episode 18: Plato’s Life and Works


Virtue and knowledge in Plato's Charmides and Euthydemus

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Episode 19: Charmides and Euthydemus


Ethics against immoralism in a Socratic masterpiece.

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Episode 20: Plato’s Gorgias


The Meno and Plato's theory of recollection

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Episode 21: Plato’s Meno


Knowledge, relativism, and memory in the Theaetetus

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Episode 22: Plato’s Theaetetus


MM McCabe discusses epistemology and virtue in Plato

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Episode 23: McCabe on Plato


Forms and the immortality of the soul in the Phaedo

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Episode 24: Plato’s Phaedo


Plato's Republic defends and defines justice at the level of the ideal city and the person

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Episode 25: Plato’s Republic pt.1


The Divided Line, Form of the Good, and Cave in Plato's Republic

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Episode 26: Plato’s Republic pt.2


The Third Man Argument and other criticisms of Forms in the Parmenides

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Episode 27: Plato’s Parmenides


Fiona Leigh discusses Plato's revised theory of Forms in the Sophist

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Episode 28: Leigh on the Sophist


Philosophy of language and Heraclitean flux in Plato's Cratylus

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Episode 29: Plato’s Cratylus


A divine craftsman makes the cosmos from triangles in Plato's Timaeus

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Episode 30: Plato’s Timaeus


Love, friendship and philosophy in the Symposium, Phaedrus and Lysis

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Episode 31: Plato’s Erotic Dialogues


Frisbee Sheffield discusses Plato's erotic dialogues, including the Symposium

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Episode 32: Sheffield on Platonic Love


Plato's attack on the poets and his own use of myth in the Republic and other dialogues

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Episode 33: Plato on Myth
