Line Mt. Food Bank

Collection for the Line Mt. Food Bank is the first Sunday of each month. Requested donations for the Food Bank:

Bisquick Shake & Pour (pancake mix)

Cereal boxes, large or small

Mustard - 30 ounce in squeeze containers

Tuna helper

Boxed au gratin or scalloped ;potatoes

Chef Boyardee ravioli, large or small cans

Canned soups

Canned fruit, large and small cans

Mac & Cheese

Peanut butter, large or small jars

Ketchup in 44 ounce size

Paper products (paper towels, facial and toilet tissue)

Holiday Items:

Mashed Potato Mix

Pork & Beans (large or small cans)

Gravy in can or jar

Canned sweet potatoes

Stuffing mix

Cranberry Sauce

Betty Crocker cookie mixes, any kind of cookie