Ship motion correction for sonic anemometer in Ikawa & Oechel (2015)

% Motion correction used with NAV420 in Ikawa&Oechel(2015JGR)

% Hiroki Ikawa

% The coding was originally developed for C-sat (Campbell Sci.) and NAV420 (Xbow).

% If a diffrent anemometer is to be used, please check the coordinate carefully.

% Options for Gill and Kaijo sonics are prepared but they are not tested.

% If you have any question & suggestion, please contact: Hiroki Ikawa

% (


%% INPUT with examples

%ux (north to south), uy (west to east), uz (down to top) (ms-1) without motion.

%roll: (deg) portside (left) rolling up

%pitch: (deg) bow (front) pitching up % Note that Edson98 used pitch-down

%yaw: (deg) clockwise from north

%rollang, pitchang, yawang: (deg/s) angular velocity. They tell how fast the object rotating.

%xv (south to north), yv (west to east), zv (top to down): (ms-1): translational velocity on the earth coordinate.

% Followings are vector position from the gyro sensor to the sonic on the platform coordinate

% I measured them with a convex ruler.

% For example

%posx = -1; % (m) front to back (north to south when the platform coordinate matches the earth coordinate)

%posy = -0.12; % (m) left to write (west to east when the platform coordinate matches the earth coordinate)

%posz = 0.01; % (m) down to top

% sonic type 1: Gill wind master (not tested), 2 Campbell Sci C-sat (tested), 3 Kaijo SAT-600 (not tested)



% [ux_corr, uy_corr, uz_corr]: corrected xyz wind speed (m s-1)


function [ux_corr,uy_corr,uz_corr]=...


if sonictype==1 % Gill Windmaster untested

ux=-ux; uy=-uy;

elseif sonictype==2 % Campbell C-sat tested

elseif sonictype==3 % Kaijo SAT-600 untested

ux=uy; uy=-ux;


% degree to radian

roll = roll/360*2*pi;pitch = pitch/360*2*pi;yaw = yaw/360*2*pi;

rollang = rollang/360*2*pi;pitchang = pitchang/360*2*pi;yawang = yawang/360*2*pi;

% Convert the coordinate from NAV to C-sat

xv = -xv; zv = -zv;


posx(1:length(ux),1) = posx;

posy(1:length(ux),1) = posy;

posz(1:length(ux),1) = posz;

%% Alternative calculation without taking advantage of Matlab's matrix calculation.

% ux1 = ux; uy1 = uy.*cos(roll) + uz.*sin(roll); uz1 = -uy.*sin(roll) + uz.*cos(roll);

% ux2 = ux1.*cos(pitch) + uz1.*sin(pitch); uy2 = uy1; uz2 = -ux1.*sin(pitch) + uz1.*cos(pitch);

% ux3 = ux2.*cos(yaw) + uy2.*sin(yaw); uy3 = -ux2.*sin(yaw) + uy2.*cos(yaw); uz3 = uz2;


% omtposx = pitchang.*posz + posy.*yawang; omtposy = -yawang.*posx + posz.*rollang; omtposz = -rollang.*posy - posx.*pitchang;


% tposx1 = omtposx; tposy1 = omtposy.*cos(roll) + omtposz.*sin(roll); tposz1 = -omtposy.*sin(roll) + omtposz.*cos(roll);

% tposx2 = tposx1.*cos(pitch) + tposz1.*sin(pitch); tposy2 = tposy1; tposz2 = -tposx1.*sin(pitch) + tposz1.*cos(pitch);

% tposx3 = tposx2.*cos(yaw) + tposy2.*sin(yaw); tposy3 = -tposx2.*sin(yaw) + tposy2.*cos(yaw); tposz3 = tposz2;

% ux_corr_backup = ux3 + tposx3 + xv; uy_corr_backup = uy3 + tposy3 + yv; uz_corr_backup = uz3 + tposz3 + zv;

%% Transform coordinate from C-sat to Edson98










% Equation (4) in Edson 98

[U_corr]=matrixT(ux,uy,uz,yaw,roll,pitch); % Correct the coordinate

ompos_corr=cross([rollang pitchang -yawang],[posx posy posz]); % Cross vector of the sensor position and motion on the sensor's coordinate.

[tompos_corr]=matrixT(ompos_corr(:,1),ompos_corr(:,2),ompos_corr(:,3),yaw,roll,pitch); % Correct the coordinate

ux_corr = U_corr(:,1) + tompos_corr(:,1) + xv;

uy_corr = U_corr(:,2) + tompos_corr(:,2) + yv;

uz_corr = U_corr(:,3) + tompos_corr(:,3) + zv;

% Change signs back to C-sat

ux_corr = -ux_corr; uy_corr = -uy_corr;

function [vcorr]=matrixT(x,y,z,yaw,roll,pitch)


for i=1:length(x)

T=[cos(yaw(i))*cos((pitch(i))) sin(yaw(i))*cos(roll(i))+cos(yaw(i))*sin(pitch(i))*sin(roll(i)) -sin(yaw(i))*sin(roll(i))+cos(yaw(i))*sin(pitch(i))*cos(roll(i));...

-sin(yaw(i))*cos(pitch(i)) cos(yaw(i))*cos(roll(i))-sin(yaw(i))*sin(pitch(i))*sin(roll(i)) -sin(pitch(i))*cos(roll(i))*sin(yaw(i))-sin(roll(i))*cos(yaw(i));...

-sin(pitch(i)) cos(pitch(i))*sin(roll(i)) cos(pitch(i))*cos(roll(i)) ];


