2020 TRB Meeting Review
Hello ACP70 Committee and Friends! Below are attachments and a review from this years annual meeting at TRB which occurred on January 14, 2020:
-2020 Annual Meeting Presentation: Prepared by Jonathan Regehr
-2020 Action Plan: Prepared by Jonathan Regehr; Approved at the Meeting
-2020 TRB Annual Meeting Notes: Prepared by Mena Lockwood
-2020 VIUS Presentation: Made by Ryan Grube
-Young Member Spotlight: Made by John Ash
Meeting Highlights
Emeritus Membership
Wiley Cunagin was recognized for his many years of dedicated service and significant contributions to ACP70. He is now an Emeritus Member of the Committe! Congratulations Wiley!.
Wiley Cunagin
From left to right: Thomas Palmerlee, Wiley Cunagin, and Coco Briseno
Tom and Coco presenting the award to Wiley
2020 Outstanding Paper of the Year Award
The 2020 Outstanding Paper of the Year Award was awarded at the meeting to Xu Zhang and Mei Chen for their paper "Enhancing Statewide Annual Average Daily Traffic Estimation with Ubiquitous Probe Vehicle Data"
2020 Outstanding Paper of the Year
From left to right: Yao-Jan Wu, Mei Chen, Xu Zhang and Jonathan Regehr
Yao and Jonathan awarding Mei and Xu with the 2020 Outstanding Paper of the Year Award
Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (Presentation by Ryan Grube)
A presentation by Ryan Grube from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) was made on the restoration of the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey. The ACP70 Committee made it clear that they would be happy to help with the process and encouraged BTS to reach out for any kind of assistance. The presentation can be found below.
Young Member Spotlight (Presentation by John Ash)
Young Member of ACP70 gave a presentation on his career so far as well as his research and accomplishments. His presentation can be found below.
Volunteer Opportunities
Several volunteer opportunities were brought up during the annual meeting. The opportunities are listed below:
TPF-5 (384) Pooled Fund Study: Exploring Non-Traditional Methods to Obtain Vehicle Volume and Class Data: Mark Hallenbeck will be writing up guidance for states in selecting data providers; and knowing what to look for in data offerings. Mark is interested in any assistance or advice from the committee on what they would like to see, previous issues, etc
ACP70's Committee Strategic Plan: Please contact Jonathan D. Regehr if you are interested in volunteering to assist with the development of the ABJ35 Strategic Plan.
ACP70 Bike/Ped Subcommittee: Please contact Sarah O'Brien if you would like to volunteer working on any of the opportunities below for the Bike/Ped Subcommittee:
Committee leadership openings that regularly come up with position rotations
Help to formulate workshop ideas for next year's annual meeting around issues of data privacy, big data and data usage
Topics and presentations for "Conversations with Colleagues" webinars
ACP70 Research Subcommittee: Please contact Yianni Tsapakis if you would like to volunteer working on any of the opportunities below for the Research Subcommittee:
Identify and keep track of completed and ongoing research projects
Maintain list of sponsors and important deadlines
Maintain list of contacts from research departments/programs
Identify completed research projects, maintain the list of sponsors and deadlines