Beth Hamedrath Description

From Cincinnati, the Queen City, 1788-1912, Volume 2 By Clarke, S. J., Publishing Company, S.J. Clarke Publishing Company


Congregation Beth Hamedrash Hagodol (Orthodox) was founded August, 1886, and its first place of worship was in an upper floor on Fifth street, between Plum and Central avenue.

The original founders were Dan and Max Bloch, and the first officers were: President, J. M. Berman, and vice president, J. Levy. The original quarters were occupied for nine years, and in January, 1895, the Protestant church at 718 Ken- yon avenue was purchased and remodeled in the same year at a cost of $8,500. Since 1895 the congregation has been in the new Temple, with Rabbi J. G. Lesser as its spiritual leader. Beginning with twelve or fifteen members, the congregation has grown in the ten years since its foundation to a membership of one hundred and fifty, with an annual expenditure of $3,500.

The cantor is Mr. Funk, whose salary is $1,000 per annum.

In connection with the synagog there are several Chevras (societies for study), as follows: Chevra Mishna, Chevra Hisdom (Ethics), Chevra Mikra.

There are daily sessions in the synagogue in addition to the three services held daily in the vestry, which is open all day. Each Chevra has its own library. The congregation owns twelve Toras (scrolls of the law), four of which are in daily use, and have been decorated with silver crown and plates by Chevra Mikra at a cost of $400.

The congregation has its cemetery on Price Hill.

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