PLEASE NOTE: Our website is being converted to the required updated format - please be patient while we work this out. Our links are not working - therefore copy and paste in your browser - apologies! Our attachments for the sub-pages are unavailable at this time - our apologies. Please be free to contact us - see the contacts tab.

Heritage Home Learners Christian Homeschool Support Group

Who Are We?

Heritage Home Learners was established in the 1980's as a Christian support group for homeschooling families in the Surrey and surrounding areas The main purpose of the group is to provide meaningful support and encouragement in a Christ-centered environment. We are an independent home school support group, not connected to any school or organization.

Unity in Diversity

We all homeschool in our own way, with our own style. Some use formal structured learning, and some build their own curriculum. Some families are enrolled with government funded programs, others homeschool independently and are registered with the school / program of their choice. No two families are alike and the needs of each family are different. We all share the same goal however; to educate our children as best we can utilizing our own personal gifts and the opportunities that we feel led to invest in.

By choosing to register with Heritage Home Learners, we choose to support and mentor each other in our diversity. This does not require that we adopt the same style or philosophy of homeschooling as other members, rather we choose to respect the homeschooling choices of other families, realizing that God leads different families in different directions. Diversity gives our group a unique richness. When registering as a member of HHL, we are choosing to embrace the diverse families in this group, thus supporting each other in our unique journey.

The purpose of this website is to support Christian home educating families of the Surrey, North Delta, New West and White Rock area by providing:

· Information for face-to-face personal support and dialogue at our monthly meetings with home educating families (traditional and D.L families). See 'Calendar' tab. The meeting location includes use of our HHL library resources (a privilege of paid membership).

· Connections to resources - homeschool organizations and businesses that support the educational journey and specific needs of home schooling families. This includes legal, legislative, curriculum, Distance Ed schools and community services that are available. This website intentionally promotes local support organizations, and encourages homeschool families to investigate the many local extracurricular opportunities that are available. Contact information is available on the specific resource ‘tabs’ of our website.

HHL has further opportunity for personal interaction and activity information available through our private Google group for our group members. See the 'Membership specifics' tab for addresses and how to join this group receive homeschool related email information.

Heritage Home Learners support group accepts homeschool specific advertising, giving priority to local service providers. See the ‘order form’ at the bottom of this page for prices, advertisement format recommendations and other information. Paid ads are valid for 1 year. The Heritage Home Learners support group is not-for-profit; the funds raised from advertising are used to offset the costs of meeting room rental and library storage of our group.


PLEASE NOTE: Due to increased interest in home educating due to the Covid 19 pandemic, and the disruption to 'usual' schooling, please be free to contact us. We are a support group of moms of various stages of homeschooling experience from just beginning to 30+ years. We will repond to your inquiries, and if it would be helpful, we are willing to meet with you in person. Our HHL support group can be contacted by email at It is highly recommended to check out the following online information resources:


CCHE (Canadian Centre for Home Education), in association with Homeschool.Today has recently offered 3 Workshops to support new homeschoolers. Patty Marler (veteran homeschool mom of 4 children of 22 years) presented excellent information which is available as a replay; the links are below:

For specifics, Workshop #1 is about 1 hour, with another 30 minutes of Q and A. The topics dealt with are: Legal issues. Research studies. HomeSchool philosophy (why do people do it?). Styles of teaching (mom) and styles of learning (each child can be different). Methods of homeschooling. Educational Resources. Record keeping. Support. The other workshops have a similar format.

Virtual Workshop - Homeschool Program Plans, Evaluation and Record Keeping

Click here to access the workshop video

And from BC Home Educators’ Association (BCHEA), which is the provincial liaison with the BC Ministry of Education. Their work has been essential in establishing, promoting and preserving the homeschool freedoms that we enjoy in BC - the free-est place in the world to homeschool.

"We have started some new projects to help people feel more informed and supported while registering their children as home educated. "

Melanie Wilkins-Ho and Rebecca McClure held three live Zoom meetings for people wanting to know more about their rights and responsibilities under sections 12/13 of the School Act. They also recorded a video session and published it on the BCHEA Facebook Page. Please take some time to watch it and give us a Like. :)

Section 12/13 Homeschooling: What are your rights and responsibilities

Marty Layne also kindly agreed to let Rebecca interview her and they had a delightful chat about homeschooling in the 1980's *before* it was included in the School Act. They were also able to chat about different aspects of learning at home and Marty was able to offer her usual warmth and wisdom. Hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did.

Interview with Marty Layne

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