Didactic Guide for Teachers

This activity is directed to secondary school 14-18 years old students. As you can see, the site is directed to students, so you can propose them directly the web adress to undertake the activity. This is one of the reasons why correct answers are not provided (further explanation in IBSE).

This is a Printer-Friendly activity. Even if it is proposed as a web-based ressource, you don't need computers to apply it in your classroom, all the proposed materials are printable.

Comments and suggestions are welcome. If you add or modify steps from this didactic sequence, please, let me know, your work can be useful for other teachers and students. If you want, I could eventually add your activities as a contribution in this website, toghether with your name and contact details.


In this activity, students are prompted to analyze real data to determine the heredity model of a character. Students sistematize and communicate their data in the form of a Scientific Poster.

Didactic goals

The didactic sequence dealing with genetic inheritance, this activity pretends students to:

  • Understand scientific knowledge as a knowledge permanently under construction.
  • Undesrtanding the four main heredity models (autosomic, sex-linked).
  • Learn to codify genetic information as pedigrees and evaluate the consistence/inconsitence of an heredity model with the data.
  • Communicate scientific data in scientific format

Indications to apply the activity

  • If your students ask you to confirm their conclusions, don't do it. They will be able to learn it alone. Just let them work, and observe their discussions. You'll have the opportunity to collect the explanations after and from their work.
  • Let them talk between them, even between the different teams. Science is a social process. Scientists don't call it copying or cheating. They call it constructing knowledge, and it usually happens in congresses and seminars.
  • Ask your students to think. Explain them you expect their best.

Ethical concerns

Using real genetic data can be a source of ethical conflicts. Make sure that students communicate properly their goals to the individuals participating in their studies, and that the confidentiality is assured. Be conscient that potential events as adoptions or wrong paternity can take part in the activity and be a source of traumatic information for students (more information).

In all cases, be sure students understant the limits of the heredity models applied, which low-resolution could lead to misinterpretation of the data with wrong conclusions relating to paternity or genetic predictions. All arising questions relating to real genetic disorders should be directed to the medical professionals, and treated carefully.

Calendar and class organization

Assuming 1h-length sessions, and in a "Flipped Classroom" paradigm, this activity can take 5 sessions.

Session 1) presenting the activity and proposing the two training sections.

Session 2) solving doubts and asking them to choose a character and collect data.

Session 3) constructing pedigrees and testing the models. Proposing the poster structure.

Session 4) designing the posters.

Session 5) congress.

About IBSE (Inquiry-Based Science Education)

Some of the principles of IBSE used to build this site and didactic activity:

  • Scientists generate scientific theories based on evidence, but they do not find definitive answers. Real science has not a book of "correct answers" were you can contrast if your conclusions are correct. "Correct processes" and "Best explanations" is the most you can get in real science. It's why the heredity models of the proposed characters are not proposed in this site. Of course you or your students can look for it through internet. Discourage them to do so: in fact, nobody worries about the real evolutionary history of Caminalcules. Remember, they are imaginary. The important thing is your process.
  • Scientific knowledge and ideas change over time and are open to further revision as our understanding of the world around us evolves. Education doesn't mean to transmit a false feeling of certainty. Education means to teach how to deal with uncertainty, to take decisions and assume risks. Don't confirm them if they have the correct answer or not. In case of misunderstandings, just ask them if their process is correct and their results coherent. Answer with questions to their questions, or help them to make better questions. "Correct solutions" or "Wise teachers" won't be present in their life for ever. Teach them how to arrange without it.
    • Science is a social and creative activity. Constructing and testing hypothesis, interpreting data from different formats and adjusting an abstract model as a consequence, identifying patterns and stablishing relationships, discussing results and justifying conclusions, are key competences that science learning must include as a priority, not only to make them best scientists, but to make them critical citizens.


This site has been built from a didactic activity performed with spanish students, and in some steps, liguistic clues are given. I'm yet working on this aspect.