Real estate

William Bonner and Addison Wiggin (in The New Empire of Debt) - Empires, like bubble markets, end up where they began. Rome began as a town on the Tiber, with sheep grazing on the hills. A bull market in Roman property lasted around 1,000 years from 700BC to about AD300, when temples, monuments and villas crowded the Palatine. Then a bear market began that lasted at least another 1,000 years (*). As late as the eighteenth century, Rome was once again a city on the Tiber with sheep grazing on the hillsides, amid broken marble columns and immense brick walls. They had been built for a reason, but no-one could recall why. (*) The Popes even left Rome for Avignon between 1309 and 1418.

Paul Krugman (2000) - Rent Control is a textbook case of Economic stupidity. (...) So now you know why economists are useless: when they actually do understand something, people don't want to hear about it.

Zsa Zsa Gabor (The Bob Hope Show, 1961) - I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.