
Napoléon Bonaparte - Je dois être le maître dans tout ce dont je me mêle et surtout dans ce qui concerne les affaires de la Banque [de France], qui est bien plus à l'empereur qu'à ses actionnaires puisqu'elle bat monnaie.

John Maynard Keynes (in Consequences to the Banks of a Collapse in Money Values, 1931) - A sound banker, alas, is not one who foresees danger and avoids it, but one who, when he is ruined, is ruined in a conventional way along with his fellows, so that no one can really blame him.

Aaron Klein (2016) - While big banks are extremely politically unpopular, people are increasingly banking at large banks.

Paul Krugman - What do you get when you cross a Godfather with a banker? Someone who makes you an offer you can’t understand.

Traditional - If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?

Traditional - Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.

Mark Twain - A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back when it begins to rain.