


Toke van Helmond, ‘Theologen redden de cultuur’ [on Erasmus as an expositor of the New Testament and his controversy with Stunica], School en universiteit (University of Amsterdam), 7, nr. 5, September 1982, pp. 20-23 [with a photographic portrait].

Gerard van Putten, ‘Een tastbare herinnering aan de Tachtigjarige Oorlog’ [on the history of the Leiden Walloon Church], Leidsch Dagblad, 10 November 1984, p. 19.

J. van den Berg and M.H. de Lang, ‘Interview met Dr. H.J. de Jonge,’ Te-eF. Blad van de Theologische Faculteit te Leiden 15 (1985-1986), no. 3, April 1986, pp. 4-8.

Wim Brands, ‘Wordingsgeschiedenis belangrijk voor kwaliteit van het vak’ [In order to maintain the quality of a discipline it is necessary to know its rise and development], Leidraad [Quarterly for alumni of Leiden University], 3 (1987/88), Nr. 2, January 1988, pp. 7-8 [with a photographic portrait].

‘Het is mijn taak voor die zes mensen te schrijven’ [It is my task to write for those six people], interview in Boekblad. Nieuwsblad voor het boekenvak 155, Nr. 22, 3 June 1988, pp. 14-15.

W. Schrijver, ‘Historie exegese mateloos boeiend,’ in Leidsch Dagblad 26 January 1991, p. 19; reprinted in De Gooi- en Eemlander 20 February 1991 [with a photographic portrait].

Jeroen Trommelen, ‘Kerkelijke dogma’s botsen met de historie’ [Dogma and history are in conflict], De Volkskrant 8 January 1991, p. 11.

Hans Ariëns, ‘“Jezus beschouwde zichzelf als profeet, niet als messias”‘ [Jesus considered himself a prophet, not the Messiah], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 14 (1990/91), nr. 22, 31 January, 1991, p. 7.

Malou van Hintum, ‘Verwekt door de Heilige Geest’ [Begotten by the Holy Ghost], Mare. Leids universi­tair weekblad 15 (1991/92), Nr. 17, 19 December 1991, pp. 10-12 [with a photographic portrait].

[Wilfred Simons], ‘Historici van het christendom,’ [Historians of Christianity], in W. van Amerongen (ed.), Vernieuwing als traditie. Jaarbericht 1991-1992 van de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1992), p. 36 [with a photographic portrait].

Koert van der Velde, ‘Prof. de Jonge: Met de boodschap is niets mis’ [‘Professor De Jonge: There is nothing wrong with Jesus’ mes­sage’], Trouw 7 August 1995, p. 10. [For a reaction, see G. de Klerk in Hervormd Weekblad 106 (1994-1995, nr. 48, 31 August 1995), p. 7].

Aad van de Wijngaart, ‘Laatbloeiers bestáán’ [on the introduction of the consilium abeundi at the end of the first year of all study programmes at Leiden University], Logboek. Nieuwsbrief over Leidse onderwijsvernieuwing, Number 3, June 1996, p. 5.

Televised interview in ‘A Portrait of Judith Renaudin, a Huguenot Woman at Leiden (1700),’ an item of ten minutes produced by Ellen Klaus and inclu­ded in the programme Van gewest tot gewest, Netherlands 3 Channel, 10 January 1997, 19 h. 45-19 h. 54.

Vic de Donder, ‘“Nieuw evangelie” werpt geen licht op figuur Jezus’ [on the Coptic-Gnostic Dialogue of the risen Jesus with his disciples published by P. Mirecki and Ch. Hedrick, Leiden 1997], De Standaard (Antwerp), 18 March 1997, p. 10.

Broadcast interview on ‘The Canon of the New Testament. Its Development and Significance,’ in the programme Rondom het woord produced by Hennie Burggraaf and broadcast by the Dutch Protestant Radio Company NCRV on 11 April 1997, from 11 h. 35 to 12.h. 00.

Pieter van der Ven, ‘Of Paulus moet?’ [Is Paul a Must? On the place of Paul in present-day theology], Trouw 55 (nr 16151), 14 June 1997, pp. 1 and 10.

Broadcast interview on ‘The Edict of Nantes,’ in the programme Hier en nu produced by P.J. Vissersch and S. Frölich and broadcast by the Dutch Protestant Radio Company N.C.R.V. on 13 April 1998, from 10 h. 15 to 10 h. 30.

Afke van der Toolen, ‘Faculteit theologie in voortbestaan bedreigd’ [Survival of Leiden Faculty of Theology uncertain; with H.J. Adriaanse and H. Philipse], Leidsch Dagblad 10 October 1998, pp. 1 and 14.

Manon Bruyns, ‘Leiden University threatens to lose its training school for ministers,’ interview televised by TV West in its newscast of 13 and 14 October 1998, 3 minutes.

Broadcast interview on ‘Queen Wilhelmina’s Desire to lead her People to God,’ in the newscast of Radio West, 23 October 1998, 17 h. 30; 5 minutes.

Ries Achterberg, ‘Wie niet wakker is, krijgt de beurt’ [An account and quality assessment of an undergraduate lecture on the textual criticism of Mark 14:68-72], Mare. Leids Universitair Weekblad 22 (1998-1999), nr. 11, 26 November 1998, p. 17.

Caroline van Bemmel, ‘De kogel is door de kerk. Fusie predikantsopleidingen’ [On the concentration of the training schools for the Reformed ministry in the Netherlands], Sum. Specifiek universitair magazine 8, nr. 8, December 1998, pp. 34-36 [with a photographic portrait].

Guido de Bruin (Dutch Press Agency ANP), ‘Leidse kerkhistoricus: sacrament gaat terug op Grieks-Romeinse rituelen’ [According to Leiden Church historian the Lord’s Supper goes back to Graeco-Roman Rituals. (Account of a lecture given at a Conference on 5 January 1999)], Leidsch Dagblad 6 January 1999, p. 14; also in Nederlands Dagblad 6 January 1999, p. 2; Reformatorisch Dagblad 6 January 1999; Haagsche Courant 12 January 1999, p. 11; with considerable alterations also in Trouw 6 January 1999.

Bart Jan Spruyt, ‘Tussen de oude en de toekomende wereld’ [Between the old age and the age to come; the church’s assessment of the civil authorities in the first century C.E.], Reformatorisch Dagblad 31 May 1999, p. 8

Marion van ’t Verlaat, ‘Kans op behoud predikantenopleiding’ [Fair chance for the Leiden theological seminary to survive], Mare. Leids Universitair Weekblad 23 (1999-2000), Nr. 6, 6 October 1999, p. 3 [with a photographic portrait].

Steven Derix, ‘Hoe Pesach Pasen werd’ [How Pesach became Easter], NRC Handelsblad 22 April 2000, p. 3.

Johan Overdevest, ‘Secularisatie in Nederland in de jaren negentig’ [Secularisation in the Netherlands in the nineteen nineties], televised interview included in an edition of Westpop, T.V. West, 7 October 2000; 18.19 o’clock; five minutes.

Ilse van der Poel, ‘De kardinaal heeft wel een beetje gelijk’ [To some extent the Archbishop of Utrecht is right (namely, in complaining that the government pays no attention to views voiced by the churches)], Leidsch Dagblad 14 March 2001, p. 19.

Guus Valk, ‘Een compositiefoto van Jezus Christus’ [On the reconstruction of Jesus’ portrait by the makers of the BBC1 TV programme The Son of God], NRC Handelsblad 27 March 2001, p. 4.

Televised interview by Dieuwertje Blok on the reconstruction of Jesus’ portrait by the makers of the BBC1 TV programme ‘The Son of God’ in KRO’s ontbijt T.V., 28 March 2001, 7.50 - 8.00 a.m.

Herman Bockma, ‘Hervormd?’ [On the decrease of the membership of the Netherlands Reformed Church to less than 2 million], De Volkskrant, 19 April 2001, p. 1 V.

Koert van der Velde, ‘Naar de kerk met Henk Jan de Jonge’ [Going to Church with HJdeJ. An account of a Reformed Sunday morning service in Leiden, 12 August 2001], Trouw 13 August 2001, p. 10.

Elma Drayer, ‘Gevaarlijk en onbelangrijk’ [Dangerous and irrelevant. On Jesus’ attitude towards money], Trouw (Nr. 17544) 29 December 2001, p. 14.

Hans Heestermans, ‘Perfester’ [‘Professor’ in the local dialect of Leiden], Leidsch Dagblad, 1 February 2002.

Broadcast interview by Rémi van der Elsen on ‘The Relevance of Pentecost’, in ‘KRO@yourservice’, one hour on 20 May 2002 (Pentecost Monday), at 8.30 a.m., Radio 747 AM, Dutch Catholic Broadcastig Company.

Elma Drayer, ‘Flinke groei eerstejaars godgeleerdheid Leiden’ [Considerable increase of first-year students of religious studies in Leiden], Trouw 10 September 2002, p. 12.

[Guido de Bruin, Dutch Press Agency ANP], ‘Beenderkist is waarschijnlijk onecht’ [Ossuary of James, the brother of Jesus, probably a forgery], Trouw 26 October 2002, p. 4.

Bart Funnekotter, ‘De turbulente geschiedenis van een religie’ [On plans for a sponsored chair for the history of Judaism since 1750 at Leiden University], Leidraad. Magazine van de Universiteit Leiden 18 (2002/2003), January 2003, pp. 6-7 [with a photographic portrait].

Hans Ariëns, ‘Jezus Christus, alias Julius Caesar’ [On Francesco Carotta, Was Jesus Caesar?, 2002], Mare. Leids Universitair Weekblad 26 (2002-2003), No. 19, 6 February 2003, p. 10.

[Aldwin Geluk], ‘“Grafsteen Zacharias in Israël ontdekt”‘ [Zechariah’s epitaph, recently discovered in Israel, must be a forgery of late, Byzantine origin], Nederlands Dagblad, 11 July, 2003. p. 2.

Jeroen Thijssen, ‘Het geheim van edik’ [The secret of vinegar; on the vinegar offered to Jesus in Mark 15:36], Trouw, Etcetera Supplement, 19 July 2003, p. 21.

Jan Auke Brink, ‘Fraude goed voor bijna iedereen’ [Fraud is profitable for almost everybody. On forgeries of biblical antiquities], Trouw 30 August, 2003, p. 14.

Bart Funnekotter, ‘De faculteit als intellectuele gemeenschap’ [The Faculty of Theology as an intellectual community], Leidraad. Alumni Magazine van de Universiteit Leiden, 19 (2003/2004), May 2004, pp. 20-21.

Christiaan Weijts, ‘Artikel in opmars’ [In the humanities, scholarly articles replace the monograph], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 27 (2003/4), Nr. 32, 2 June 2004, pp. 1 and 6 (with a photographic portrait).

Jan Benjamin, ‘Zeven vragen over De Code’ [Seven Questions concerning Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code], NRC-Handelsblad 27 August 2004, Literary Supplement, p. 26.

Hendrik Spiering, ‘Een bijbel vol foutjes’ [on the Editio critica maior of the Greek New Testament and the differences between the Byzantine text and the critical text], NRC-Handelsblad, Science and Education Supplement, 23 October 2004, p. 43.

Christiaan Weijts, ‘De Graduate School komt er aan’ [on the introduction of Graduate Schools at Leiden University], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 28 (2004/5), Nr. 10, 11 November 2004, pp. 1 and 6 (with a photographic portrait).

Thomas Blondeau, ‘De publicatienorm: halen of falen?’ [On "publish or perish" in academia], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 28 (2004/5), Nr. 14, 16 December 2004, p. 15.

Broadcast interview by Dieuwertje Blok, on Christmas in the Bible and in Dutch culture, in the programme “Desmet Live”, IKON broadcasting company, Radio station 747, on 22 December 2004, from 15.05 to 15.45 hours.

Televised interview by Alje Kamphuis on the occasion of the conferment of the honorary doctorate of Leiden University on H.M. Queen Beatrix, 6 February 2005, Nederland 1 Channel, Catholic Broadcasting Company KRO, ‘Netwerk’, 20.45 – 21.00 hours.

Erik Mouthaan, televised interview on the occasion of the conferment of the honorary doctorate of Leiden University on H.M. Queen Beatrix, 8 February 2005, RTL 5 News Bulletin, 18 o’clock.

Marcel Oosten, interview on the preparations of the ceremony for the conferment of the honorary doctorate of Leiden University on H.M. Queen Beatrix, life from the Pieters Church, Leiden, 8 February 2005, NOS Radio 1 News Bulletin, broadcast in the programme Filiaal, 7 to 8 h. o’clock a.m.

Televised interview by N.N. on the occasion of the conferment of the honorary doctorate of Leiden University on H.M. Queen Beatrix, 8 February 2005, TV-West, ca. 5 minutes

Broadcast interview by N.N. on the occasion of the conferment of the honorary doctorate of Leiden University on H.M. Queen Beatrix, 8 February 2005, broadcast by Radio West, ca. 5 minutes.

Hester van Santen, ‘Internet als uitgever’ [Internet as publisher], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 28 (2004/5), Nr. 23, 10 March 2005, p. 10.

Sebastiaan van der Lubbe, ‘Goede Vrijdag en Pasen’ [Good Friday and Easter], broadcast interview, life, for Holland Centraal broadcasting company, in their programme ‘Bij nader inzien’, 25 March 2005, 12.15 – 12.25 hours.

Wietse Buma, ‘Meesurfen op succes Da Vinci Code’ [A discussion of J. Slavenburg, Forgery in the New Testament, 2004], Leidsch Dagblad, 9 May 2005, p. 8.

Pieter Vroegop, ‘Het ICLON en het nieuwe leren’ [The Leiden Centre for Applied Educational Sciences and Teacher Education (ICLON) and new learning], Onderwijzen. ICLON Extern. Uitgave ter gelegenheid van het tienjarig bestaan van het ICLON, Autumn (October) 2005, pp. 18-21. With a DVD showing the interview.

Broadcast interview by Yko van der Goot on ‘The historicity of Jesus contested by Luigi Cascioli (January 2006)’, in the programme ‘Schepper & Co.’, NCRV Broadcasting Company, 29 January 2006, 15 h. – 15.20 h.

Dini Hogenelst, ‘Diesoratie: raadsels rond de zondag’ [on the origin of the Christian Sunday], electronic Newsletter of Leiden University in Dutch, 7 February 2006; with a portrait.

Dini Hogenelst, ‘Dies Oration: Sunday and the Sabbath’, Website of Universiteit Leiden, Leiden University’s Newsletter ‘Leiden’s Latest’, Archive, 7 February 2006; with a portrait.

Bert van der Kruk, ‘Christenen begonnen met de zondag iets nieuws’ [The Christian Sunday is not a christianized Sabbath], Volzin. Opinieblad voor geloof en samenleving, 5 (2006), Nr. 4, 24 February 2006, p. 25. With a portrait.

Marissa van Balen en Leah Wolfe, ‘“Benader de bronnen met een frisse blik”’ [Factors of success and failure in his scholarly career], in Marieke Brugman, Peter Burger and Arie Verhagen (eds), Gebraden duiven vliegen niet. Leidse wetenschappers over hun succes … en hun falen (Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2006), pp. 98-99. With a portrait.

Broadcast interview by Sebastiaan van der Lubbe, on ‘The significance of the Gospel of Judas’, Radio West, life in the programme ‘Bij nader inzien’, 7 April 2006, 12.10 h. -12.20 a.m.

Jan Benjamin, ‘Wat is er waar van The Da Vinci Code?’ [What is true in The Da Vinci Code?], NRC.Next 18 May, 2006, p. 4.

Televised interview by N.N., on ‘Academic Freedom and the Interpretation of Sacred Texts in Higher Education’, recorded and transmitted by the Dutch Islamic Broadcasting Corporation, 4 March 2007, 12.00-12.05 a.m.

Hilje D. Papma, ‘Afscheidscollege van een waakhond’ [on the occasion of De J.’s retirement as Professor of New Testament from Leiden University], Digital Nieuwsbrief van de Universiteit Leiden 3, 3 April 2007.

Christiaan Weijts, ‘Graven naar Jezus’ [on the occasion of De J.’s retirement as Professor of New Testament from Leiden University], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 30 (2006-2007), Nr. 27 (5 April 2007), p. 3.

Willem Bouwman and Dick Schinckelshoek, ‘Bijbellezen door een Leidse bril’ [Reading the Bible the Leiden way; on the occasion of De J.’s retirement as Professor of New Testament from Leiden University], Nederlands Dagblad, 13 April 2007, Het Katern Supplement, p. 2.

K. van der Zwaag, ‘Wetenschapper tussen gelovigen en atheïsten’ [Scholar between Christians and Atheists; on the occasion of De J.’s retirement as Professor of New Testament from Leiden University], Reformatorisch Dagblad, 13 April 2007, p. 2.

René Lamers, 'Judas is en blijft een judas' [On Judas in the Gospel of Judas], NRC De Week, 27 October 2008.

Wanda van Mourik, 'The relationship between the Vrouwekerk at Leiden and the Pilgrims', Radio West, 5 March 2009, 8.20 - 8.30 hours a.m., life interview.

Arjen van Veelen, ' "Door Engels op bul zakken we af naar alledaagsheid" ' [A protest against the use of English instead of Latin on the BA and MA certificates of Leiden University], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 33 (2009-2010), Nr. 30, 20 May 2010, p. 5.

Marcia Welman, "De christelijke jaartelling: oorsprong en betrouwbaarheid" [The date of Jesus' birth, the origin of the Christian Era and its historical reliability], 1 January 2014, 10 minutes in the programme "Academie" of Radio and TV Association NTR, Canal Radio 5.

Petra Meijer, "Vaarwel pedel. Herinneringen aan Willem van Beelen" [On W. van Beelen, Beadle of Leiden University], Mare. Leids universitair weekblad 39 (2015-2016), Nr. 29, 26 May 2016, p. 3.

Jeroen Scharroo, "500 keer om tafel met de Leidse decanen" [On the College of Faculty Deans of Leiden University], Website of Leiden University, News, 10 June, 2016,
