Tables and Spreadsheets


There are special techniques for creating accessible tables.

Table Concepts [W3C Web Accessibility Tutorials]

AccessMOOC) Tools for Tables

Accessible data tables must have the following features:

- Row and column headers

- Association between data cells and header cells (i.e. scope attribute)

For complex data tables, it is also helpful to do the following:

-Add a Table Caption

-Add a Summary Attribute

-Use a Simple Layout

-Avoid Blank and Merged Cells


Accessibilty Basics Series: Data Tables

Eric Lyons [SSB Bart Group] May 12, 2106


Types of tables

Simple - 1 header row and/or header column

Complex - more than one row or column header

Layout - used for presentation purposes only - table elements can create confusion to screen reader

Without proper markup, data is not available to screen reader users.

Best practices:

1. Use table elements (table, tr, th, td) - can also use summary, caption, thread, and tfoot

- make sure headers are in the same table as the data

2. Table headers must be properly identified

- th for table header row or column

- distinguish data from layout table

- announces headers during navigation

--- some AT may look for 'scope' attributes are row, col, rowgroup, colgroup --- or just use th (his best practice)

- scope associates header with everything in a row or column

EXAMPLE of simple table



<th scope="col">Date</th>

<th scope="col">Category</th>

<th scope="col">Amount</th>

<th scope="col">Permitted</th>

</tr> <tr>

<th scope="row">October 10</td> ?? where is initial td?

<td> Meal</td>

<td> $70</td>

<td> OK</td>

</tr> ... (next row data)



---(complex tables use 'id' and 'headers' attributes...)

- Flip table on other axis to create a simple table

- Break complex tables into multiple simple tables

3. complete data table headers are associated with data



    • Excel Tips [Accessibility at Penn State]

    • Make your Excel spreadsheets accessible (using the Accessibility Checker)