Systematic review resources

This page includes resources to help you perform searches for systematic reviews. Systematic reviews bring together all the research that has been done on a specific topic. This should include unpublished material and grey literature, and shouldn't be limited to specific languages. 

Two of the most comprehensive guides on conducting a systematic review are:

Registering and reporting your review

Systematic reviews should be registered at an early stage in the international prospective register PROSPERO

The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines set out minimum reporting standards for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It is made up of:

Doing your systematic review search

A selection of guides are produced by various organisations with expertise in producing systematic reviews.

The Cochrane Handbook (Version 6.3, 2022) - See Chapter 4: Searching for and selecting studies, in particular. This guide partiuclarly looks at the production of Cochrane Collaboration systematic reviews but many of the techniques are relevant for non-Cochrane reviews.

Joanna Briggs Institute - JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis - Includes information on multiple types of reviews, including systematic reviews, scoping reviews, mixed methods reviews and umbrella reviews

CRD's guidance for undertaking systematic reviews in healthcare (2009)

Campbell Collaboration for fields related to healthcare 

NICE. Developing NICE guidelines: the manual (2014) - See Chapter 4: Developing review questions and planning the evidence review, and Chapter 5: Identifying the evidence: literature searching and evidence submission.

Institute of Medicine. Finding What Works in Health Care: Standards for Systematic Reviews (2011)