parIxita rAja:- abhimanyu was the son of aRjuna (one among the pAMDava-s). abhimanyu was married to uttarAdEvi (daughter of virATa rAja) and their son was parIxita rAja. According to the swear taken by ashvatthAma in front of the dying duRyOdhana, that he would rout the pAMDava family completely, ashvatthAma sent the brahma astra to kill the mother and child (parIxita) in the womb itself. However, kind shrI kR^iShNa protected the child by his sudaRshana chakra. Since he was 'raxita'-meaning - protected by kR^iShNa he was named parIxita. As a result of his pApa of conversational contact with kali, he once garlanded shamIka muni by shooting an arrow having a dead snake, while the muni was in a state of samAdhi. In a few moments, shR^iMgi (son of shamIka muni) arrived there and saw this state of his father and in an angry mood, he cursed that the person who has garlanded his father (shamIka muni) with such a snake would die of snake bite within 7 days. Realizing his mistake, parIxita rAja renounced his kingdom and went away to forest and the banks of the gaMga river and heard the shrImad bhagavatam from shuka muni (son of vyAsa) and met his end on the 7th day by being bitten by taxaka (snake). It is said that taxaka bit the jaDa dEha of parIxita.


para shukla trayaru

pAshapANi - Since vighnarAja holds the pAsha in one hand and the aMkusha in the other hand, he is called 'pAshapANi'.

phaNipa – phaNa indicates hood. Snakes have a hood. shESha dEvaru is their leader. He is called phaNipa. He was born to brahma dEvaru during sUxma sR^iShTi as jIva nAmaka and jIvAbhimAni. He serves ParamAtma by being His bed. He was born to kashyapa muni & kadru. He has a 1000 heads and 2000 tongues and he constantly praises ParamAtma. He pleased brahma dEvaru by his penance and obtained the strength of carry the weight of the earth (bhUbhAra). By existing in pAtALa he has held the earth like a mustard seed on his hood. vAruNi is his wife. In trEtA yuga, he took avatAra as laxmaNa, the younger brother of shrI rAma. In dvApara yuga, he took avatAra as shuklakEshAvEsha balarAma.


1 agniShvAt

2 baRhiShpada

3 soumya

4 pitara

5 Ajyapa

6 sAgni

7 anagni

prasUti – is the wife of daxa prajApati


pravaha maruta – is the dikpAlaka for vAyavya (North-West) direction. He is one among the 49 maruts. He is superior to the sURyAdi 4 dEvata-s (yama, chaMdra, sURya & shatarUpa dEvi).

prAvahI – is the consort of pravaha vAyu. pravaha vAyu is one among the 49 marut-s.

pR^ithu chakravaRti:- was the son of vEna rAja. vEna rAja was a nAstika. Therefore, there was no growth of crops. All the seeds that were being sown were swallowed by the earth. The subjects of that land churned the body of vEna rAja. Thus, pR^ithu was born. pR^ithu rAja was dhaRmiShTha and a bhagavad bhakta. He prayed to mother earth and obtained all the seeds that the earth had swallowed and brought prosperity to the kingdom. That is how mother earth is known as 'pR^ithivI' (daughter of pR^ithu rAja). He was the king during chaxuSha manvaMtara. His wife was 'aRchis'. prAchInabaRhi was his grandson.

priyavrata:– was the eldest son of shatarUpa & svAyaMbhu manu. uttAnapAda was his younger brother. baRhiShmati (daughter of vishvakaRma) was his wife. He had agnidhra etc…10 sons and one daughter called URja. shukrAchaRya married URja. By his 2nd wife, priyavrata had 3 sons called uttama, tApasa & raivata. These became manvaMtarAdhipati-s. priyavrata created 7 islands form 7 seas and he gave away the 7 islands to the 7 sons of his first wife. He received advise from nArada muni, priyavrata rununciated his kingdom. He had ruled the entire world for aRbuda years.

pulaha – born form the navel of brahma dEvaru. He was married to 'gati' – the daughter of kaRdama muni. pulaha obtained 3 sons called kaRmashrEShTha, varIyas & sahiShNu.

pulastya – was born at the end of kR^ita yuga. He did penance in mEru mountain. He married 'gO' – the daughter of tR^iNa muni and obtained a son called vishravasa. lavaNAsura belongs to his vaMsha. rAvaNa is therefore also known as poulastya. He also married haviRbhAk – the daughter of kaRdama R^iShi and obtained agastya muni as his son.
