para shukla trayaru

S.Ananthapadmanabhanam - Dvaita parimalam Magazine

While we go through the works of Sri Madhwacharya, we come across a word - Para Sukla Thrayam. The meaning of the word is -

Para - means pare Brahmani - In Lord Vishnu, The Supreme.

Sukla - means Suddha Buddhithwa - possessing pure knowledge without any blemish.

Thrayam - means group of three.

In total, the meaning of the above word is - The three persons by a group possess very pure knowledge (and devotion) without an iota of defect in the Supreme Lord Sri Vishnu and these three persons will not at all, at any point of time, have the effect of Kali disturbance.

The three important persons are

1. Sri Maha Lakshmi.

2. Chaturmukha Brahma, (Vayu Devaru)

3. Saraswathy. (Bharathi Devi)

The above three are called Para Sukla Thrayam. They will always have pure knowledge of God in Moola form i.e. in the original form and as well as in the Avatara form also. They never disobey the order of Sri Hari.

They never acted against the will of Sri Hari. The disturbance of Kali, Avesha of Kali was not at all there at their minds and knowledge.

The Avatars of Vayu Devaru viz, Hanuman, Bhima and Madhwa also can be brought under the category of Para Sukla Thrayam.

Saint Vadiraja Mahaprabhu has beautifully dealt this matter in his Sarasa Bharathy Vilasa Kavya from canto three to eight and proved this point emphatically in his usual style.

We never come across one single event in Epics, Ithihasa and Puranas that against the theory of Sri Madhwa.