Professional activities


As a previous acting Editor-in-Chief/Reviews Editor, and currently as a Senior Editor for Journal of Medical Microbiology, Kim Hardie is always interested in hearing about potential topics for reviews. Perhaps you have written a literature review in a topical area that could be given an interesting spin that will attract medical microbiologists?

As a member of Editorial board of the newly launched journal, Molecular Oral Microbiology, Kim Hardie encourages high quality articles for this journal also.

Roles within Professional Bodies

As a member of the council of the Royal Society of Biology, Kim Hardie is pleased to hear from people who have issues they would like considered for action by this powerful organisation which serves as the single unified voice for biology at the interface of government, schools, professionals and the public.

As member of the council of the Microbiology Society (formally SGM) and former chair of the Prokaryotic Division of the scientific meetings committee and former Kim Hardie would like to hear if you have any ideas for topics for symposia as well as your ideas for ways that the SGM can promote microbiology in the best possible way to scientists, policy makers and the public.

Leadership Roles within University of Nottingham

Currently Co-leading Division of Infections, Immunity and Microbes in school of Life Sciences and Research theme 'Taming Microbes' in the Biodiscovery Institute.


With experience of examining MSc, MPhil, PhD and HDR degrees in UK, Ireland, France and Spain, working abroad (France and Canada), reviewing applications for national and international grant awarding bodies (BBSRC, MRC, Wellcome Trust, EU, CNRS) and being a senior female scientist with a family, Kim Hardie endeavors to provide mentoring and encouragement to motivated and competent scientists as they forge their independent careers through the Nottingham University Family Link Scheme. This is enabling involvement in applications for Athena Swan Awards from the University of Nottingham.

Grant evaluation

With experience on the EU Marie-Curie Fellowship and Agence National de la Recherche (France) evaluating panels, supports the awarding of funding.