
May 2022

  • Funded PhD studentship available starting July 2022 in collaboration with Prof Dr. Christiane Wolz (University of Tübingen), Prof Jonathon Aylott (School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham), Prof. Dr. Hannes Link (University of Tübingen) entitled 'Title: Role of the stringent response to promote biocide induced antibiotic tolerance in Staphylococcus aureus biofilms'. Application Deadline 30th May 2022.

March 2022

  • Frances Smith successfully awarded her PhD entitled 'PQS-Dependent Quorum Sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is Linked to Protein Export via the Twin arginine Translocation (Tat) System' that was funded by the Wellcome Trust DTP 'Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance' held jointly with University of Nottingham.

December 2021

  • Armstrong, T., Fenn, S.J., and Hardie, K.R. (2021) Antimicrobial Profile: Carbapenems: a broad-spectrum antibiotic. In press Journal of Medical Microbiology 2021 Dec;70(12).

September 2021

June 2021

October 2020

July 2020

May 2020

March 2020

  • March 2020: Appearance on BBC Radio Nottingham Sarah Julian morning show with Cassie Bradley to outline handwashing technique to combat Covid19 Coronavirus spread. March 3rd 8am. 2 hour 06:58- 2 hour 14:26

  • Jordana-Lluch, E., Garcia, V., Kingdon, A., Singh, N., Alexander, C., Williams, P., and Hardie, K.R. (2020). Development of a polymicrobial model to examine interactions between commensals and pathogens on skin. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:291. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00291.

Feb 2020

  • Barzan, G., A. Sacco, A., Mandrile, L., Giovannozzi, A.M., Brown, J., Portesi, C., Alexander, M., Williams, P., Hardie, K.R., and Rossi, A.M. (2020) New frontiers against multi-drug resistance: A Raman-based approach for detection of bacterial viability and cross-induced antibiotic resistances within 1 hour. In press Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.

Jan 2020

· report summarizing Glo-yo interactive educational toy development which improves hand hygiene compliance in community and clinical setting written by Prof. Brigitte Nerlich

December 2019

Lary, D., Calvert, A., Nerlich, B., Segal, J., Vaughan, N., Randle, J. and Hardie, K.R. (2019). Improving children’s and their visitors hand hygiene compliance. Journal of Infection Prevention

Brown, J.M., Williams, P., and Hardie, K.R. (2019) Microfluidic-based growth and imaging of bacterial biofilms. In Press Bio-101.

November 2019

· Royal Society of Biology East Midlands Branch Annual Colin Leakey Memorial Lecture. ‘The race between bacterial biofilm communities and us in fight against antimicrobial resistance’ November 13th, University of Nottingham

· report for Royal Society of Biology. AGM and The Colin Leakey Memorial Lecture. The Biologist.

· editorial Conference report 6th Midlands Molecular Microbiology Meeting (M4) 2019. Journal of Medical Microbiology

· An interview with Dr Kim Hardie. Microbiology Society.

July 2019

June 2019

  • Fabulous interaction with public at University of Nottingham 'Wonder'. June 15th.

  • Great interaction with pupils at the Long Eaton School for dress rehearsal of activities for the Royal Society Summer Exhibition. June 13th.

May 2019

June 2018

  • Manuscript uploaded onto BioRxiv: Lary, D., Calvert, A., Nerlich, B., Segal, J., Vaughan, N., Randle, J. and Hardie, K.R. (2019) Improving children’s and their visitors hand hygiene compliance. doi:

  • Enjoyed meeting everyone and explaining biofilms on June 16th 2018 at University of Nottingham Family discovery day #uonoutreach

May 2018

  • WebinAr: Interrogation of biofilm architecture to illuminate environmental microniches and the dynamics of antimicrobial penetration.

April 2018

October 2016:

September 2016:

    • Manuscript published. Ruparell A., Dubern JF., Ortori C., Harrison, F., Halliday N., Emtage A., Ashawesh, M., Laughton C., Diggle, SP., Williams P., Barrett D., and Hardie K.R (2016) The fitness burdens imposed by synthesising quorum sensing systems. Nature Scientific Reports.

April 2016:

    • Manuscript uploaded on preprint server bioRxiv: Ruparell A., Dubern JF., Ortori C., Harrison, F., Halliday N., Emtage A., Ashawesh, M., Laughton C., Diggle, SP., Williams P., Barrett D., and Hardie K.R (2016) The fitness burdens imposed by synthesising quorum sensing systems.

March 2016:

    • Funded PhD studentships with Jon Aylott and Unilever advertised: Apply now!

Two PhD positions (funded for UK or EU students) starting autumn 2016, are now available at the University of Nottingham. One Microbiology, one in analytical science across schools of Life Sciences and Pharmacy with Dr Hardie and Dr Aylott working to understand and dissipate biofilms in collaboration with Unilever. 'Washing away biofouling and infection'

February 2016:

    • iAA funding received to investigate AaaA functional interaction with the Innate Immune System in collaboration with Luisa Martinez-Pomares.

December 2015:

    • EU approved funding of project to improve resolution in imaging molecules and cells with biofilms led by Prof Ian Gilmore (National Physics Laboratory) starting summer 2016 in collaboration with Prof Paul Williams and Prof Morgan Alexander.

    • BBSRC iCASE studentship and University of Nottingham funded studentships approved to investigate disruption of biofilms in collaboration with Unilever starting September 2016 with Prof Jon Aylott.

    • University of Nottingham strategic research priority area funding within Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance awarded in collaboration with Prof Miguel Camara, Prof Jonas Emsley and Dr Ingrid Dreveny

September 2015:

Commenced collaborative project with Unilever and Prof Paul Williams using our human skin infection model to study the natural microbiome's interaction with pathogens.

July 2015:

Commenced collaborative project with Roche, Prof Miguel Camara and Prof Aras Kadioglu (University of Liverpool to study AaaA role in infection.

May 2014:

Research in the news: Glo-yo study highlighted in World Biomedical Frontiers.

April 2014:

Invited oral presentation: Pseudomonas secretion, signalling and social interaction symposium SGM AGM Liverpool.

November 2013:

Publication: Randle, J., Metcalfe, J., Webb, H., Luckett, JCA, Nerlich, B., Vaughan, N. Segal, J., and Hardie, K.R. (2013) Impact of an educational intervention upon the hand hygiene compliance of children. Journal of Hospital Infection. 85(3):220-225.

September 2013:

Publication: Paredes-Osses, E., and Hardie, K.R. (2013) Cell fractionation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bio-protocol

August 2013:

Research in the news: Infection Control Today reports on the presentation of Dina Lary's research on hand hygiene compliance in hospitals.

July 2013:

Paper accepted for publication by Plos One: Baban, S.T., Kuehne, S.A., Barketi-Klai, A., Cartman, S.T., Kelly, M, Hardie, K.R. Kansay, I., Collignon, A., Minton, N.P. (2013) The role of flagella in Clostridium difficile pathogenesis: Comparison between a non-epidemic and an epidemic strain.

March 2013:

Discussion on Antibiotic Resistance on BBC radio Nottingham, Mark Dennison show: March 19th, Starts 55 minutes, there is news and music in-between and it finishes at 1 hour 15mins.

February 2013:

PhD studentship filled to start September 2013 funded by MRC:

Glo-yo featured within ‘Inventor’s Clinic’ at Nottingham Contempory Art Museum. Listen to interview on Inginuity web page

Attendance of the SGM Microbiology Awareness Campaign event at House of Lords on the impact of Microbiology upon global food security

October 2011:

Licence signed to manufacture Glo-yo with Ian Story of Ravencourt Limited

Glo-yo presented as part of Nottingham University Impact campaign. Watch video of it in action.

January 2013:

Hermes commercialisation Fellowship: Development of Novel anti-microbial compounds against Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Prof Miguel Camara (University of Nottingham) and Quoc-Tuan Do (GreenPharma)

June 1212:

Paper accepted for publication by Plos Pathogens:

Luckett, J.C.A, Darch, O., Watters, C., AbuOun, M., Wright, V., Paredes-Osses, E., Ward, J., Goto, H., Heeb, S,, Pommier, S., Rumbaugh, K., Camara, M., and Hardie, K.R. (2012) A novel virulence strategy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediated by an autotransporter with arginine-specific aminopeptidase activity.

Invited talk presented at East Midlands Infectious Diseases Research Network:

Pseudomonas aeruginosa skin infections.

May 2012:

Latest radio broadcast: Starts at 1 hour 21 mins into the show. Mark Dennison May 1st BBC Radio Nottingham (there are news and weather bits in between, and it lasts about 25mins altogether)

November 2011:

Interview on BBC radio Nottingham, Andy Whitakker 8/11/11 show time slot 1 h 38 min to 1 h 42 min 30 secondons, talking about handkerchiefs and germ spreading:

August 2011:

Article published in Microbiology Today: To Spin out or to License, that is the question.

July 10th 2011:

April 18th 2011:

Provided expert opinion on BBC Radio Nottingham morning show for Frances Finn discussing recent paper on extended beta lactamases in superbugs (Walsh et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2011). Two slots separated by music starting at 2 hour 15 mins

April 2011:

Elected to the council of the Society of Biology

February 2nd 2011:

Provided expert opinion on BBC Radio Nottingham morning show for Frances Finn ‘How dirty is your cash?'

January 2011:

Awarded an Innovation Fellowship to pursue Glo-yo commercialisation

December 2010:

Glo-yo featured in the 2010 Autumn Alumni Exchange magazine, Nottingham University

November 2010:

Article published in SGM magazine, Microbiology Today, describing the Nottingham Public Understanding of Science Event about Superbugs

October 2010:

Kim Hardie’s profile and research were included in the brochure for the Nottingham University WinSET event to celebrate the achievements of women working in Science, Engineering and Technology.

Paper accepted by Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Barrett, D.A Ortori, C.A., Williams, P.,, Cámara, M., Hardie, K.R., Chhabra, S., and. Dubern, J-F. (2010). Simultaneous quantitative profiling of N-acylhomserine lactone and 2-alkyl -4(1H)-quinolone families of quorum sensing signaling molecules using LC-MS/MS

This article describes in detail an analytical technique central to a number of publications from Nottingham.

September 2010:

Public Event ‘Stopping the Spread of Superbugs’ at the SGM conference, Nottingham University.

A streamed broadcast of this event and it’s popular predecessor at Cheltenham Science festival are available on the SGM website.

Reference to development of the Glo-yo in the Guardian by Prof Richard James.

“The worry is once these organisms are out in the community," says James. "There probably is some need for public education about infection and, for instance, kitchen hygiene when you are cooking. People of my generation were taught a lot about washing your hands before every meal. It was automatic that it was done. A lot of that has gone." There are some innovative ideas about, he says, on ways of teaching children in school to wash their hands – in the hope that they will then go home and pester their parents to do the same.

August 2010:

Acted as judge in East Midlands Big Bang competition for high schools.

Provided background information for full page article on Superbugs in Mail on Sunday written by Alice Grebot

June 28th 2011:

Paper published online in BMC Microbiology:

Shen, F-F., Hobley, L., Doherty, N., Loh, J.T., Cover, T.L., Sockett, R.E., Hardie, K.R., and Atherton, J.C. (2010) In Helicobacter pylori auto-inducer-2, but not LuxS/MccAB catalysed reverse transulphuration, regulates motility through modulation of flagellar gene transcription.

A role for AI-2 in gene regulation adds to the primarily metabolic role of LuxS in the gastric pathogen H. pylori.

Article published in Microbiology Today:

Hardie, K.R., and Verran, J., (2010) Come Dine with Microbes. 37:190-191.

A short description of a novel way to convey microbial techniques to the public.

July 2010:

Mon 19th July:

Interview with Ashley about Glo-yo for Heart 106 Radio.|9125|heart%20106%20radio||S|b|4387628849

Fri 16th:

Press release about Glo-yo on University of Nottingham front page

Thur 15th:

Report on Glo-yo for BBC East Midlands Today

Tue 13th:

Interview about Glo-yo on BBC Radio Nottingham with Andrew Whittaker at 7.55am

Mon 12th:

Filmed for a report about the Glo-yo on BBC East Midlands Today Evening News by Carol Hinds News at John Clifford Junior School, Chilwell. To be screened shortly

Fri 9th:

Glo-yo selected from the University of Nottingham Innovation Expo for an ar

ticle in the

Nottingham Evening Post

May 2010:

Glo-yo featured on Eastmidlands Today 22.30pm News broadcast as part of opening of new Biomedical Research Unit, QMC, by Leslie Ash

Paper published on line in Analytical Biochemistry:

Halliday, N.M, Hardie, K.R., Williams, P., Winzer, K, and Barrett, D.A. Quantitiative LC-MSMS profiling of activated methyl pathway metabolites in Escerichia coli LuxS-dependent quorum sensing.

The validated method of simultaneous analysis of metabolites related to the activated methyl cycle

March 2010:

Paper published on line by BMC Genomics:

O’Toole, PW., Snelling, W.J., Canchaya, C., Forde, B.M., Hardie, K.R., Josenhans, C., Graham, R.L.J., McMullan, G., Parkhill, J., Belda, E., and Bentley, S.D. Comparative genomics and proteomics of Helicobacter mustelae, an ulcerogenic and carcinogenic gastric pathogen.

A newly anotated genome, with an interesting set of autotransporter proteins

February 2010:

Paper published in Journal of Bacteriology

Doherty, N., Shen, F-F., Halliday, N., Barrett, D., Hardie, KR., Winzer, K., and Atherton, J.C. (2010) In Helicobacter pylori, LuxS is a key enzyme in cysteine provision through a reverse transulphuration pathway.

Another example of a metabolic role for LuS, this time in Helicobacter pylori.


Paper published in Journal of Bacteriology.

Heurlier, K., Vendeville, A., Halliday, N., Green, A., Winzer, K., Tang, C.M., and Hardie, K.R. Growth deficiencies of Neisseria meningitidis pfs and luxS mutants are not due to inactivation of quorum-sensing.

Analysis of metabolites of the activated methyl cycle demonstrates that in Neisseria meningitidis, deletion of pfs and luxS perturb metabolism.

Paper published in BMC Microbiology:

Holmes, K., Tavender, T.J, Winzer, K., Wells. J.M., and Hardie, K.R. AI-2 does not function as a quorum sensing molecule in Campylobacter jejuni during exponential growth in vitro.

Microarray analysis of gene expression, emphasizing how LuxS and AI-2 can work more within metabolism than cell-cell communication

'Bacterial Secreted Proteins: Secretory Mechanisms and Role in Pathogenesis’ book published in which we have a chapter on Proteins secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Useful book for microbiology students or medics. Discusses secretion machineries and the proteins that use them and relates this to pathogenesis.


A review published in Nature Reviews Microbiology

Hardie, K.R., and Heurlier, K. Communication in bacterial communities: contribution of LuxS to Biofilm development.

A comprehensive review pointing out the challenges of disiphering the mechanism of LuxS cell-cell communication