
Universities, Faculties

Consortium for Tenure-Track in Hiroshima University/未来を拓く地方協奏プラットフォーム(広島大学)


Common equipment/共通機器施設

Center for analysis: for Scanning Laser con-focal microscopy LSM510-1

機器分析センター (共焦点レーザー顕微鏡:LSM510-1)

iCOVER common equipment: for Scanning Laser con-focal microscopy LMS710, Image processing Software IMARIS, qPCR, NanoDrop, and so on)

獣医学国際教育研究センター(共焦点レーザー顕微鏡:LSM710, IMARIS, qPCR, NanoDrop など)

Center for Gene Research: for Sequencing and NGS

遺伝子実験センター(Sequencing and NGS)

やまぐちイノベーション創出推進拠点 (共焦点レーザー顕微鏡:LSM710, 超遠心, TEM, SEMなど)

Frog Resources

Xenbase (Genome and Sequence of Xenopus laevis and tropicalis)

NBRP X. tropilcais in Hiroshima University (ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト・ネッタイツメガエル/National Bio-Resource Project of X. tropicalis)

NBRP X. tropilcais (ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト・ネッタイツメガエル/National Bio-Resource Project of X. tropicalis)

National Xenopus Resource in MBL

Xenopus Online Resource

Useful Protocols

StukenBurke Lab @ Uni Virginia (egg extract and some molecular biology techniques)

Kirschner Lab @ Harvard (some molecular biology techniques)

Mitchison Lab @ Harvard (egg extract and some molecular biology techniques)

Heald Lab @ UC Berkeley (egg extract)

日本細胞生物学プロトコール集/Protocols link in Japan Society of Cell Biology (Methods in the Cell Biology field)

サイズ生物学HP (サイズに纏わる生物学の情報 sorry only in Japanese)


Xenbase (Expression pattern, Genome and Sequence of Xenopus laevis and tropicalis)

XenMine (Search and retrieve integrated Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis data)

RNA and protein expression in embryogenesis of X. laevis @Kirschner Lab.

C. elegans Information

虫の集い (C. elegans 研究者コミュニティ)

プロトコル集 in 虫の集いHP

Phenobank (RNAi phenotype database)

Laboratory Managements

Quartzy (Management for reagents)

Google Calendar (Management for schedule)

Slack (Communication)
