Educational policy/教育方針


1. 自主性の養成





3. ディスカッション(議論)の時間の確保




5. プレゼンテーション能力の養成


6. 国際的視野の養成


We don't mind aims for joining our lab. The most important thing is "motivation" for progressing your research in our lab. PI and the other researchers in our lab never obligate you to do researches and experiments, so everything for researches in our lab is up to you.

1. Training for originality

 Students normally have own research theme in principle and do not share the theme with the other members. To foster the originality of own research, they proceed actively their research by themselves as much as possible. Together with helps from PI and other members, they would grow their own color of research depending on their personalities. 

2. Training for research ability

Throughout research activities, students train how to think logically and to design own research in the lab. The abilities of setting/Searching for problems of the research and overcoming/solving the problems by appropriate experiments are quite important for being a good researcher or future life after graduation from the lab.

 To do that, our lab concentrates on writing your own protocol/lab-notebook. This protocol means, unlike only experimental procedure, a framework having background, aim, materials&methods, results and discussion like a short research paper. 

3. Environments for lots of discussion

 We will proceed the research throughout much discussion with PI and others. We prepare a time for discussion at least once a week. 

4. Vision towards outside laboratory

 We promote lab members to absorb techniques and knowledge from the other fields. They could attend external training courses, meetings, workshops and so on.

5. Training for presentation ability

 We prepare lots of times for doing presentation on journal club and progress report. The process of preparing and doing presentations are sure to foster the abilities for communicating with the others, revealing own research, and logical thinking on the research.