

(related to Yuki Hara)


Differential contribution of nuclear size scaling mechanisms between Xenopus species
Hiroko Heijo, Christoph Merten, Yuki Hara
Development Growth and Differentiation  64:501–507 (2022)
Dev Growth Differ, PubMed

Specificity of nuclear size scaling in frog erythrocytes
Tetsufumi Niide, Saki Asari, Kosuke Kawabata, Yuki Hara
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology  10:857862 (2022)
Frontiers, PubMed

Yolk platelets impede nuclear expansion in Xenopus embryos
Sora Shimogama, Yasuhiro Iwao, Yuki Hara
Developmental Biology 482:101–113, (2022)
Download link, PubMed, Dev Biol, preprint on bioRxiv

DNA Content Contributes to Nuclear Size Control in Xenopus laevis
Hiroko Heijo, Sora Shimogama, Shuichi Nakano, Anna Miyata, Yasuhiro Iwao, Yuki Hara
Molecular Biology of the Cell 31(24):2703–2717 (2020)
PubMed, MBoC,  preprint on Sneak Peek 2.0 Featured by website of the Usaco Corporation.

Specialization of nuclear membrane in eukaryotes
Yuki Hara
Journal of Cell Science 133(12):jcs241869 (2020)
PubMed, JCS

Scaling relationship between intra-nuclear DNA density and chromosomal condensation in metazoan and plant
Yuki Hara, Kenta Adachi, Shunsuke Kagohashi, Kazuo Yamagata, Hideyuki Tanabe, Shinji Kikuchi, Sei-Ichi Okumura, Akatsuki Kimura
Chromosome Science, 19, 43-49 (2016)
Chromosome Science 

Dynein-based accumulation of membranes regulates nuclear expansion in Xenopus laevis egg extracts
Yuki Hara, Christoph A. Merten
Developmental Cell, 33, 562–575 (2015)
PubMedScienceDirect, Previewed in Dev. Cell, 33, 496–497.

Intranuclear DNA Density Affects Chromosome Condensation in Metazoans
Yuki Hara, Mari Iwabuchi, Keita Ohsumi, Akatsuki Kimura
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 24(15), 2442-2453 (2013)
PubMed, MBoC, PMC, Featured by website of the Usaco Corporation.

An Allometric Relationship between Mitotic Spindle Width, Spindle Length, and Ploidy in Caenorhabditis elegans Embryos
Yuki Hara, Akatsuki Kimura
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 24(9),1411-9 (2013)
PubMed, MBoC, PMC

Cell-size-dependent spindle elongation in Caenorhabditis elegans early embryo
Yuki Hara and Akatsuki Kimura
Current Biology, 19(18):1549-54 (2009)
PubMed, ScienceDirect, Dispatch in Current Biology, 18, 846-7
Cover image in this journal Current Biology, 18

Nuclear localization of profilin III-ArpM1 complex in mouse spermiogenesis
Yuki Hara, Kei Oguchi, Tadashi Baba, Kazuo Yamagata
FEBS letters, 582(20), 2998-3004 (2008)
PubMed, ScienceDirect

Noninvasive visualization of molecular events in the mammalian zygote
Kazuo Yamagata, Taiga Yamazaki, Misuzu Yamashita, Yuki Hara, Narumi Ogonuki, Atsuo Ogura
Genesis. 43(2), 71-9 (2005).
PubMed, Wiley Online

If you are interested in a printed version of our papers for reading, please let us know!


Physical forces modulate interphase nuclear size
Yuki Hara
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 85, 102253 (2023)
PubMed, Elsevier

原 裕貴
物物理」誌, 62(5) 280-284 2022年10月 (Japanese review)

原 裕貴, 山本 一男
生体の科学, 73(4) 287-290 2022年8月 (Japanese review)

Physiological polyspermy: Selection of a sperm nucleus for the development of diploid genomes in amphibians
Yasuhiro Iwao, Chihiro Kimoto, Ayaka Fujimoto, Asuka Suda, Yuki Hara
Molecular and Reproductive Development, 87(3), 358–369 (2020)
PubMed, Wiley Online

原 裕貴
実験医学, 36(13) 2174-2180 (Japanese review)
2018年8月号 Vol.36 No.13 「サイズ生物学 “生命”が固有のサイズをもつ意味とそれを決定する仕組み」(山本一男,原 裕貴 企画)

BOOK (Invited book chapter)

Cell-size-dependent control of organelle sizes during development
Yuki Hara, Akatsuki Kimura
In “Cell Cycle in Development” (Kubiak JZ Ed.) Springer Series –Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation, 53, 93-108 (2011)
PudMed, SpringerLink

Reviews for paper

原 裕貴, ダイニンに依存した核膜成分の集積による細胞核の大きさ制御, 「生物物理」誌, 56(5), 275-277 (2016) 

原 裕貴, ダイニンによる膜の成分の供給が核の大きさの成長する速度を制御する, ライフサイエンス 新着論文レビュー, 2015年6月15日