MY FRIENDS, a never-ending source of delight!

Danièle Laruelle, brilliant translator and photographer, among many other qualities!

Sophie Brissaud, witty and sensual writer, translator, photographer, food & wine expert...

Jean Failler, writer, author of the best-selling series: The Adventures of Mary Lester.

Jehanne Carillon, friend of always, actress, singer and stage director.

Anne Martinière Delaunay with whom I learnt so much during our years working together in her art gallery, "À l'imagerie". Now creating highly original textile jewelry.

Roberta Faulhaber, painter and visual facilitator; my favorite partner for medical conference interpreting. Some lady! ;-)

Ivan Coaquette, painter

Robert Assaf, a master in the art of interpreting and that of gastronomy, Robert is the founder and manager of Corporate Editions.

Josée Bégaud, translator. Musica Maestro !

Patricia Lane, translator and creative copywriter, the best in French/Americain bilingual communication!

Jocelyne Lemarchand, super-coach and great horse rider!

Nolwenn Laruelle, talented young writer, historian, author of comics and great horse lover. No doubt we shall hear about her in the near future!

Catherine Pichon and Jean-Pierre Breton, wonderful people who taught carriage driving to my horse and I, plus all their two- and four-legged friends!

Eric Moreau, translator, guitarist, photographer and creator of the French translator's portal and its forum, which I could not do without !