Silver Flying Asian Carp have been seen on our lake. These can be very dangerous to boaters, skiers, & tubers. If you happen to catch one or one jumps into your boat. Please, DO NOT return it to the lake. See Fishing page for more information.
PRE-CONSTRUCTION FORM: The HL#3 Board has revised the Pre-construction Approval Form for docks and seawalls. (See attachment Below) Please complete this form and submit it to the Board prior to any construction.
ONLY watercraft that is owned by the lot owner is allowed on the lake, NO guest watercrafts are allowed at any time. ALL watercraft on the lake need to have a Hanson's Lake #3 a lake sticker. To obtain a lake sticker, you must present required documentation. See Boat registration page for more details. Only one watercraft per lot owner is allowed on the lake at a time on weekends and holidays. See safety page for more information on Hanson Lake rules
The Hanson's Lake #3 Board is always updating our records. Please email hansonlake3@gmail.com with any new email addresses (you may receive emails at more than one address), preferred mailing address or cell phone numbers which would be useful in relaying information to you.
Board of Directors for Hanson's Lake #3 Improvement Association, Inc.
Mike Sotak (Lot 17) President
Nick Sailors (Lot 6) Vice President
Kevin Eastman (Lot 67) Secretary
Paula Eastman (Lot 66) Treasurer
Directors at Large:
Tom McKeone (Lot 62)
Tom Howard (Lot 73)
Brandon Pollett (Lot 2)
Contact Info:
Hanson's Lake #3 Improvement Association
2102 Annabelle Drive
Bellevue, NE 68123
Email address: hansonlake3@gmail.com
Members can request lake roster from above email
Safety Captain:
Carri Siedlik
17129 Bojanski Dr