Boat Registration
Hanson's Lake #3 boat stickers are required for all motorized boats
Requirements for a HL#3 boat sticker:
See attachment below for requirements and procedures to obtain boat sticker.
How to display NE license, HL3 boat sticker, and lot number
State registration numbers shall be placed on each side of the forward half of the vessel and reading left to right in one horizontal plane, starting with the validation sticker followed by two capital block letters "NB") followed by a 2-inch space and three or four digits in a numerical group followed by a 2-inch space and two or three capital block letters.
Display the lake sticker on the right side of the vessel near the stern.
All vessels must clearly display a lot number in the vicinity of the lake sticker.
All Letters and numbers will be block figures at least three inches in height of contrasting color and visible for 100 feet.