
Sunday 7th
9.30 am Service at St. Andrews's Church Halberton: Holy Communion (Common Worship)
11 am Sampford Peverell Methodist Service of Holy Communion, led by Richard Allington
3–5 pm Family Tea and Cake with optional local walk

Sunday 14th
10 am  All-age Service with Holy Communion, led by Ruth Hartley
(Steward: RV.  Sound Desk: JV  Refreshments: HR)

Sunday 21st
10 am  All-age breakfast service, led by Hazel Parsons
(Steward: PB.  Sound Desk: RV  Refreshments: tbc) 

Sunday 28th
10 am  Morning Service, led by Janet Lee
(Steward: JL  Sound Desk:JV  Refreshments: HR)
or Outdoor Messy Church at Sampford Peverell