Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults at Halberton Methodist Church
The safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is a vital part of the work we do at our church.
This information is for those who help with Children (CH), Young People (YP) and Vulnerable Adults (VA) to ensure we all follow safeguarding procedures in the same way. These procedures ensure everyone stays safe from harm and allegation as well as demonstrate how much we value safety. The full policy is displayed in the back room of church and on our website.
> We are never alone with CH, YP or VA.
> When we organise an event or rehearsal, we ensure there is another adult present before a CH, YP or VA is admitted to the building.
> Before we admit CH or YP to Youth Club, we ensure 2 adults are present.
> We make sure that another adult is present or within sight or hearing of any activity eg cooking with YP in the kitchen.
> When we take a child or children from the church into the back room for whatever reason, we ask another adult to accompany us.
> All adults working with CH, YP and VA will have completed a Volunteer Agreement and had a DBS check.
> Keyholders lend their keys ONLY to people who have already completed and signed a Keyholder Declaration form.
> If you suspect abuse of a CH, YP or VA or an allegation is made about you or another person, do not delay, report it to Paul Booth: 01884 32679
For further details and advice see the downloadable files below.
Safeguarding enquiries regarding children in Devon
Speak to someone if you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person 0345 155 1071
Help for adults concerned about a child
Talk to the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000
Help for children & young people
Call ChildLine on 0800 11 11
Online advice
Advice for concerns about Child Abuse can be found on the government website here:
Advice for concerns about abuse of an older person can be found on the government website here: