Flash Sintering of Ceramics (2022)

Effects of Electric Field on Microstructure Evolution and Defect Formation in Flash-Sintered TiO2

Yang, B.; Shang, Z.; Li, J.; Phuah, X. L.; Cho, J.; Wang, H.; Zhang, X. Effects of Electric Field on Microstructure Evolution and Defect Formation in Flash-Sintered TiO2. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.06.009.


  • Comparison of DC and AC flash sintering methods microstructure and defect distribution

  • Reverse polarity flash sintering yield homogeneous microstructure with tailorable defect distribution

Wang, H.; Phuah, X. L.; Li, J.; Holland, T. B.; Vikrant, K. S. N.; Li, Q.; Hellberg, C. S.; Bernstein, N.; García, R. E.; Mukherjee, A.; Zhang, X.; Wang, H. Key Microstructural Characteristics in Flash Sintered 3YSZ Critical for Enhanced Sintering Process. Ceram. Int. 2019, 45 (1), 1251–1257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.10.007.


  • Flash sintering introduced unique characteristics which were not observed in conventional sintered samples

  • Clusters of adjacent subgrains with similar orientation after flash sintering

  • High density of dislocation arrays were found near grain boundary triple junction

Wang, H.; Phuah, X. L.; Charalambous, H.; Jha, S. K.; Li, J.; Tsakalakos, T.; Zhang, X.; Wang, H. Staged Microstructural Study of Flash Sintered Titania. Materialia 2019, 8 (100451), 100451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100451.


  • High density of dislocations and stacking faults in flash sintered titania

  • Defects density can be controlled by the flash sintering parameters (i.e. electric field, current density and holding time)

Li, J.; Cho, J.; Ding, J.; Charalambous, H.; Xue, S.; Wang, H.; Phuah, X. L.; Jian, J.; Wang, X.; Ophus, C.; Tsakalakos, T.; García, R. E.; Mukherjee, A. K.; Bernstein, N.; Hellberg, C. S.; Wang, H.; Zhang, X. Nanoscale Stacking Fault-Assisted Room Temperature Plasticity in Flash-Sintered TiO2. Sci. Adv. 2019, 5 (9), eaaw5519. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aaw5519.


  • Micropillar compression up to 10% strain under room temperature without crack formation

  • Formation of nanoscale stacking faults and nanotwins due to high density of defects introduced by flash sintering