2D Layered Multiferroics (2022)

Tunable Physical Properties in Bi-based Layered Supercell Multiferroics Embedded with Au Nanoparticles

Shen, J.; He, Z.; Zhang, D.; Lu, P.; Deitz, J.; Shang, Z.; Kalaswad, M.; Wang, H.; Xu, X.; Wang, H. Tunable Physical Properties in Bi-Based Layered Supercell Multiferroics Embedded with Au Nanoparticles. Nanoscale adv. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00169a.


  • Tunable physical properties controlled by deposition temperature, including multiferroic properties, optical properties, etc.

  • Magneto-optical coupling effect between multiferroic BAMO matrix and embedded Au NPs.

  • Promising material candidate for optical-switching spintronic devices.

Tailorable Multifunctionalities in Ultrathin 2D Bi-based Layered Supercell Structures

He, Z.; Gao, X.; Zhang, D.; Lu, P.; Wang, X.; Kalaswad, M.; Rutherford, B. X.; Wang, H. Tailorable Multifunctionalities in Ultrathin 2D Bi-Based Layered Supercell Structures. Nanoscale 2021, 13 (39), 16672–16679. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1nr04975e.


  • Ultrathin BFMO with a thickness of 6.8nm is successfully demonstrated on LAO substrate.

  • Various physical properties including multiferroic properties and optical property are thickness-dependent.