
I have taught courses in the following modalities with a total enrollment of over 500 students since 2019: 1- In-person, 2-Synchronous Online, 3- Hybrid, and 4- Fully Online . I also have proposed and developed two new courses, one graduate level and one undergraduate level.

- Fall 2019: COT 3100- Discrete Structures (Link)

  (Syllabus: Please refer to canvas.fiu.edu) 


-Spring 2020: [New Course Proposed, Developed, and Offered] COT 5993- Optimization Methods for Computing: Theory and Applications   

  (Link to the Approved Syllabus for the Permanent Course# COT5443:  Link


- Fall 2020: COT 3100- Discrete Structures (Link


-Spring 2021: COT 5443- Optimization Methods for Computing: Theory and Applications 


-Fall 2021: COT 3100- Discrete Structures

-Fall 2021: COT 3510- [New Course Proposed, Developed, and Offered] Applied Linear Structures for Computing


-Spring 2022: COT 5443- Optimization Methods for Computing: Theory and Applications  


-Fall 2022: COT 3510- [Quality Matters (QM)-Certified, Since May 6. 2022] Applied Linear Structures for Computing


-Spring 2023: COT 5443- Optimization Methods for Computing: Theory and Applications  


-Fall 2023: COT 3510- Applied Linear Structures for Computing
