
Listed below are all main changes of the GVAR Toolbox 1.0 since its release in December 2010.

GVAR Toolbox 2.0 (released August 2014)

The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • fixed a problem when changing the sample size for estimation under time-varying weights

  • fixed a problem when using annual data related to the printing format of the annual dates

  • fixed a problem with the implementation of the weak exogeneity test for lag orders p*=q*. A separate problem was also amended for the case where p*,q*>2.

  • fixed a problem in relation to the construction of the trade share matrix for a single year

  • fixed a problem with the bootstrap median estimates and bootstrap bands under SGIRFs and SGFEVD (this problem also affected the persistence profiles computed when SGIRFs were selected)

  • made minor changes to the bootstrap procedure which will have a minor effect on the bootstrap results

  • increased the size of the user-specified weighting matrix previously set to a maximum of 49.

GVAR Toolbox 1.1 (released July 2011)

The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • updated the real GDP series for China to reflect the latest revisions in the data

  • enabled the overidentifying restrictions function for imposing restrictions on the cointegrating vectors

  • improved the Matlab routines for faster printing of the output

  • fixed a problem related to the impulse responses where negative and positive global shocks gave the same result

  • fixed a problem related to the case where no global variables are included in the GVAR.