The Legal

Disclaimer: All of the work on this site is done at home, using our home computers and home time. This site does not represent the position of any organization, and in our work on this site, we do not represent any organization. This project is not currently supported by funds from any organization, and we do not earn any money from this project.

The information made available through links at this Web site are provided as a public service. Information and links at this site are for educational purposes only, and are not intended to be advice or suggestions for any action or inaction. Any actions taken by visitors to this site are totally the responsibility of the visitors. Material on linked sites does not necessarily reflect our opinions, nor do we assume any responsibility for the content provided at these linked sites.

There are no fees or registrations required for use of this site. We also, generally, only link to sites that provide completely or mostly free stuff, and sites that don't require registration.

Copyright Information: All of the pages on this website are copyright by Gene Shackman, but may be freely used for non commercial use. Commercial use is prohibited. I also do not give permission to Wikipedia to quote anything from my site without complete citation. We are not responsible for sites linked to or from our site, and those sites have their own copyright rules. When we use information from other sites, we generally provide a citation or link back to their site. Anyone may link to our site without seeking permission.

Legal Information: Our site only has and only links to legal content.

The usual disclaimers: Some of the links on this page are to commercial sites. Listing the websites on our website is NOT endorsement any products or services! The sites are only listed because they have some information that anyone can look at without paying anything. We also do not have any financial relationships with any site or organization linked to from our site.

Spam and viruses. We check our computer with anti spam and antivirus software regularly. We update the software regularly.

Family friendly and age limitations. The Global Social Change research project is an educational project. This site is not aimed at children. The educational material displayed within this web site is most appropriate for adults and for young persons aged 14 years and over. However, so far as we know, all material on our site and all links from our site can be viewed by anyone in the family. They are all family friendly.

Also, I'm well over 30, so this site was not produced by kids.

We welcome feedback, questions and comments from adults aged 18 years and over. We also recognize that young persons under the age of 14 years and up to 18 years may have questions they would like answers to. In such cases, please ask parents or other adults such as teachers to contact us.

Our web site does not contain or promote; pornography, hatred, propaganda, racism, warez, nudity, hacking activities, violence, degradation, harm or slander. To the best of our knowledge, we do not link to any site that contains or promotes any of that either.