Weekly News: February 26, 2018

Post date: Feb 27, 2018 5:22:32 AM



Warner Pacific Band Festival (WE): Friday, March 2nd

12:45 - Load bus @ Grant

  1:10 - Arrive @ Warner Pacific College

  1:15-3 Watch groups

  3:30 - Warm Up

  4:00 - Perform

  4:30 - Sight Read

  5:00 - Load bus

  5:20 - Arrive @ Grant

PIL Solo/Ensemble Contest: March 3rd

Participating students should make sure they are connecting/rehearsing with accompanists and have an original copy of their solo for the judge.



We are now officially into basketball playoff season! Both our men's and women's teams are in it and they appreciate our support. For those who haven't been through playoff's before, it is a bit intense and we find out when we play days (or sometimes 1 day) before-hand. We will just play at home games until the tournament takes the teams to the University of Portland and then we will discuss attending this depending on our rankings. 

This week's home games:

There are sign-up sheets in the band room (on the inside of the door). Mr. McFadden is hoping we can fill enough names on both days so we can support our school with the pep band. These games are very fun and you don't want to miss out!



We were unable to hold our regular Band Boosters meeting in February due to weather. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20 at the home of Sue Reeves (709 NE 32nd Ave). Everyone is welcome to attend!




This is MaryBeth's 2nd year as Band Boosters President (thanks MaryBeth!) and she would like to pass this role on to someone new. Are you interested? This is is a great way to help Grant Band (and Mr. McFadden). And...Band Boosters parents are a lot of fun to work with. Please email MaryBeth Hernandez to learn more about the position to see if it's a good fit for you.


Grant Band is looking for a parent to attend monthly Grant PTA meetings as a Grant Band representative and report back to us what you learn. Consider finding a team of 2-3 parents that you can rotate this role with. It's a pretty easy way to volunteer, but super helpful! Please contact MaryBeth Hernandez if you are interested.