Weekly News: 7/16/2018

Post date: Jul 16, 2018 8:29:54 PM



The State Championship Grant High School Basketball Team is kicking off Fremont Fest by leading the Kid's Parade.  The team is looking for some music to back them up.   Think fun, think casual.  Play what you want, wear what you want and have a blast.  A drum line would be an awesome addition.   Come join the fun at the 32nd Annual Fremont Fest and support your community.

If you student is interested, please have them contact Amy Hamden at beaumontbusinesses@gmail.com.

Fremont Fest is Saturday, August 4, 2018 from 10 - 5 p.m. NE Fremont between NE 42nd & 51st Avenues.




We're excited to welcome all of the new families to Grant Band! The Band Boosters put together some helpful information for new families joining us next year. Please pass this information along to any parents of incoming freshman band students.



Just a reminder that Summer Band Camp will be held the week before school starts.  More details to come but this is usually scheduled in the afternoon so that students who are involved in sports can attend their morning practices first.  We highly recommend attending this camp!  It's a great opportunity for students to meet each other and feel a part of the band community before the first day of school. It also gives them time to learn material for pep band as they will begin playing at football games very soon after school begins.