Weekly News 1/14/2019

Post date: Jan 15, 2019 5:41:43 AM



Parents, please be aware that if you are volunteering to help out with the Band and are chaperoning, you need to make sure that the school has a background check for you.  You can go the Portland Public School link here to start this process.





The Sweet Sounds of Jazz is Grant Band’s largest fundraiser of the year. The event will be held on Saturday February 2, 2019 at 5:30 PM at the German American Society. You can support this event by volunteering for it and by attending!


The Sweet Sounds of Jazz team is in-need of your help to make this event a huge success! Please consider signing up to help in one of many ways: running errands before the event, donating appetizers/desserts, and/or helping during the event. Thank you, in advance, for your support!


Tickets for Sweet Sounds of Jazz are now on sale. Please note that tickets for this event will probably sell-out fast, so purchase tickets soon. Please email us at grantbandinfo@gmail.com with any questions you have about ticket sales or the event. 



The Band Program will be in need of a Hospitality Chair next year since our fabulous Jennifer Snyder has a senior student. It would be great if someone could identify themselves early so that they could accompany Jennifer at concerts and events this year to learn how things are done. The hospitality chair is in charge of refreshments and bake sales during concerts and other events. This can be one person, or two or three working as a team. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Snyder or MaryBeth Hernandez.  

It takes a community to maintain this robust and growing band program. For the past two years, the boosters have been gently nudging our community in the hope someone will step in and assume the role of president-elect. Unfortunately, this gentle nudging has been unsuccessful. 

This is my third and final year as president and I would really like the opportunity to help someone learn the ropes and get comfortable with things before stepping down next year. As president-elect you will attend monthly meetings and prepare to assume the duties of president the following year. Don't be shy if you are a new parent at Grant, I stepped in as President-Elect when my now senior daughter was a freshman. This is a very welcoming and supportive group that includes others with experience and knowledge. I have enjoyed being president and plan to remain an active member of boosters next year, so I will still be around to help with any questions that come up. Please consider this opportunity to help the band community thrive. Feel free to contact me with any questions!!

-MaryBeth Hernandez