News for November 2017

Post date: Oct 31, 2017 5:15:52 AM


While there is no official fee to participate in band, we do ask that each student's family donate or raise $200 over the course of the year. There are many ways to do this:

Each time you or your student raises money, your student will receive credit for those funds. If we each do our part, we can help raise the money Mr. McFadden needs to run a strong music program.


Parade call time on Saturday, November 11th will be 8:30 am. We will be meeting on NE 40th ave. between Tillamook and Thompson street. Click HERE to see the parade lineup map. We are entry #32.

After finishing the parade route, we will be performing at the closing ceremony right outside the Ross Hollywood Chapel (4733 NE Thompson St, Portland, OR 97213). This is at the end of the parade route. The ceremony should finish before noon at which point students will be dismissed.

Final reminder that attire is the black band jacket, blue baseball cap, black pants, black shoes. You are welcome to wear gloves and layers underneath your jacket. Preferably, these are black as well, but you may also wear blue, grey or white gloves. The goal is to look uniform and not stand out.

We are still looking for 1 more driver to transport percussion gear from Grant HS and meet us at the parade lineup location. I'd like to load vehicles tomorrow (Thursday) while conferences are going on. After the parade, we will need to load the gear up and drive it back to Grant.



WE, JE, JL, SB and PE bands will be marching in the Vetaran's Day Parade on Saturday November 11 (call time TBD). Parade practice will be held from 3:45-5:15 on Wednesday 11/1 and Tuesday 11/7. Students should meet in the band room.



Our next planning meeting will be on Sunday November 12 at 6:30 PM at Lloyd Center Plaza (919 NE 19th Ave, Main floor conference room. Call Kelly at 215-380-6767 if you need help finding the room).

Please join us to help plan the largest band fundraiser of the year! We welcome anyone to attend the planning meetings even if you can’t sign up for a particular committee.  Or, if you'd like to help and cannot attend the meeting(s), please email Kelly at



Our next Band Boosters Meeting will be on Tuesday November 21 at 6:30 PM at the home of Elise Lind (2832 NE 14th Ave). We welcome all interested parents and grandparents and hope you'll join us when you can!



We encourage families to post pictures and videos to Facebook of band students performing at events. Please be sure to only post things that are specific and relevant to Grant Band. Please also keep comments positive and construcdtive to ensure we're representing Grant Band in the best possible light!



Are you interested in contributing to the Band program at Grant? Consider joining the boosters to help support the program and the fundraising events that occur throughout the year. In particular, we are currently looking for a president-elect to shadow the current president and eventually take on the role of president (or co-President if you would like to ease in more slowly) next year. Please feel free to email the current president at with any questions. Or, come to a meeting to check it out!!