More news for March 2017

Post date: Mar 14, 2017 5:31:11 AM


The Grant Band Boosters are a friendly group of parents who meet monthly, along with Mr. McFadden, to support the band program. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30-7:30, most often in the band room. We would love to have YOUR support. Your help improves the quality of the music experience for our sons and daughters at Grant. Please consider joining us for a meeting or two to see what it’s all about!

We have some board positions open for next year including President-Elect and membership in our Sweet Sound of Jazz Planning Team. As President-Elect, you would attend monthly meetings and prepare to assume the duties of booster president the following year. The Sweet Sound of Jazz Team will be a group of 5-8 parents who will work together to plan this event which typically takes place in February. If you are curious about these positions and would like more information, visit our Boosters page and/or email

Please help us spread the word to families joining us next year! Pass this information along to any parents of eighth grade band students on their way to Grant.


This year's Grant musical production is Chicago! Performances happen at the end of April, and musicians in the pit band will be very busy for the next several weeks. In March there are 2 rehearsals are every week, on Wednesday after school and during the second Flex period. So,

Rehearsals start this week (Wed. March 1, Fri. March 3). 

Things get even busier in April. If you have any schedule questions, check the full Band Calendar for the complete list of dates.