Itinerary for Graduation Performances

Post date: Jun 2, 2016 1:44:54 AM

Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Ensemble will perform at the graduation ceremony on Tuesday, June 7. The detailed itinerary is below. 

We also need a parent with a van to bring some equipment. Contact Mr. McFadden if you are available to pick up equipment between 2:45 and 3 pm on Tuesday and return after the ceremony. 

Graduation Itinerary for Tuesday, June 7th:

Departure depends on end time. We will board at the Rose Quarter TC and ride the train back to Hollywood TC. Back at Grant by 8 pm. If you are getting picked up from Memorial Coliseum, Mr. McFadden needs a signed parent note and needs to see you go with your family.


Things to Bring:

___ Instrument

___ Music

___ Dress clothes (All black, or black bottoms with white top. Tie optional.)

___ Water


Auditions results for the 2016-2017 wind and jazz ensembles will be posted this Friday, June 3.