Condo Association Documents
Following are the Grande Cay Condominium Association Documents, divided into three (3) Sections.
To display a specific Document, click on the corresponding pdf file below.
Section 1: Buildings 2200, 2300, 2400, 3200
Section 2: Buildings 2500, 2600, 2700, 3300
Section 3: Buildings 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100
Grande Cay Recreation Association, Inc.
Why are there four condominium documents for Grande Cay?
Grande Cay was built in stages and has four entities, Condominiums I, II, III, commonly referred to as Sections I, II, III, and a Recreation Association. Even though all entities merged into one organization, Grande Cay Recreation Association, Inc, the separate governing documents are still active. (Fortunately, all three Condominiums (of Sections) have identical documents other than the description and location of their buildings.) The Recreation Association document is superior to the Condominium (Sections) documents. Therefore, the Condominium docs cannot be less restrictive than the Recreation doc. However, there are some conflicts. When they occur, one must use the most restrictive language of either the Recreation doc or the Condominium docs.
The Grande Cay Board of Directors may initiate a merger of the documents sometime in the future. However, any changes will need to be approved by the owners of Grande Cay.
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