Pool and Spa Rules
The Pool and Spa rules are designed to protect the rights and privileges of all Residents, including Renters, and Guests to enhance the safety of all and to safeguard the Association’s property. We ask all Residents, Renters and Guests to abide by these rules. Note: Use of the term “Pool/Spa area” also includes the Pool Deck.
1) There are no Life Guards. Use of the Pool/Spa at any time is at the individual’s own risk. Any injuries or accidents should be reported immediately to our Management Company, Suitor, Middleton, Cox & Associates, at 239-437-0340.
2) Swimming and Spa use is permitted only during designated hours, currently dawn to dusk. All Pool and Spa users must wear appropriate swimming attire. The Pool area may be closed for Special Events.
3) The gate to the pool area MUST remain closed at all times per the requirement of the Health Department.
4) A parent or guardian must accompany children who do not swim at all times. Children not toilet trained must wear swimming diapers to use the Pool. Children using regular diapers are not permitted in the Pool.
5) Children twelve (12) years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult in the Pool/Spa area at all times.
6) Glass and/or sharp objects are not permitted.
7) Food and beverages are not to be consumed in Pool or Spa. Note: Beverages should not be set on the edge of the Pool or Spa.
8) All persons using the Pool area are requested to cooperate in keeping the area clean be properly disposing of cans, trash, etc.
9) Personal audio devices should be played with ear buds or headsets at a sound level that is not offensive to others.
10) Animals, bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, or hoverboards are not permitted in the Pool area.
11) Running and any other hazardous activity is not permitted in the Pool area.
12) Persons with open sores, cuts or contagious diseases are not permitted to use the Pool or Spa.
13) All persons using the pool furniture are requested to cover the furniture with a towel when using suntan oils or lotions.
14) No Smoking is permitted in the Pool area.
15) Use of the Pool for private/special occasions must be approved by the Board prior to the event.
16) Rules & Regulations are subject to change without notice and at the discretion of the Board.