An update on our Members!

Post date: Feb 11, 2015 9:10:36 PM

As we venture into 2015, we are realizing an update on our website and Our Members list! Below, we leave you an update with some of our members' new publications and key activities. To get in touch with any of them, please find their profiles on Our Members page.

Victoria Knight:

A Modus Vivendi — In-cell Television, Social Relations, Emotion and Safer Custody

Prison Service Journal

Convenor of the Emotion and Criminal Justice Cluster: Researching Television Audiences in Prison: Accessing the Emotive Dimensions of Prison Life

Member of the Carceral Geographies Network:

Clare Anderson:

Convict Labour and the Western Empires, 1415–1954

Principal investigator of the ERC CArchipelago Project:

David Skarbek:

(Book) The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

Marie Rosenkratz Lindegaard:

Angels, prisoners and other human beings: Doing research with boys who have killed

Violence makes safe in South African prisons: Prison gangs, violent acts and victimization among inmates (with Sasha Gear)

Rimple Mehta:

'The Mango Tree: Exploring the Prison Space for Research' in Lumsden, K. and Winter, A., eds., Reflexivity in Criminological Research: Experiences with the Powerful and the Powerless, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp. 47-57.

'So Many Ways to Love You/Self: Negotiating Love in a Prison', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 16(2), 2014, pp. 181-198.

Walking the Thin Line/s. (2013) Available at:

Arnaud Dandoy:

Sortir de l'impasse carcérale en Haiti? Un étude sur la désinsertion sociale des détenues de la prision civile de Pétionville. Research paper for Terre des Hommes, Italy, 2015 (available with the author upon request).