Old Church
Old Church
In New England where I grew up
Most churches seem to be
A hundred years old or more.
Frequently they have two or three additions
Added for Sunday School
Or offices
Or fellowship meetings
Rambling architectural Gerrymanders
Camouflaged by white
Holy oil based paint
Church architects ignore Jesus’ words –
Straight is the way
These buildings ramble
In some, you have to go down one flight
And up another
To get to a room on the same floor
Some times you hear grumbles
What idiot designed this?
I can’t believe we voted for it
What terrible planning
They don’t understand
God planned these buildings
For the children
If adults insist
On making church service boring
He wanted to make sure
Church buildings were interesting
He made each locked door a mystery
Each new passageway a delight
Here the walls are cinder block
Then drywall
Then brick
Then granite
This stairway is narrow and winds
That one is open and wide
But with a good banister for sliding
The basement has costumes
From Christmas pageants, going back thirty years
Musty choir robes
And old mahogany cabinets
Perfect for hiding
A stained glass window
Cut off from the sun when they added the library
Whispers its mysteries in darkness
Raising goose bumps on little arms
Behind the narrow door
Locked by a skeleton key
Is the stairway to the Holy of Holies
The steeple
Children, don’t go up there
It isn’t safe
Johnny or Ginny or Tammy or Tommy
There’s always one child who finds a key
That fits!
The stairs creek
Then get steep
There’s a padlock on the trap door
Someday, we’ll find that key too!
A child trips
And grabs the rope
A frozen moment
Let’s get out of here!
A wild scramble down
Hurry up!
Stop pushing!
Imaginations fizzle with danger
But there are no policemen
No guard dogs
Only old Mr. Bond
Kids, stay away from there!
Through halls and rooms they race
Past pastors staring
From their pictures on the wall
Hopping stairs two or three at a time
Out the door and safe
Spring flowers clamor for attention
Many in pots, some in flower beds
The wild violets are best
You can pick those
Don’t look for four leaf clovers though
They bring leprechauns
And leprechauns don’t belong here
Maybe they don’t get along with Jesus
There you are
Where have you been?
Did you have a good time at Sunday School?
I guess
What did you learn?
I dunno, something about God
Goodbye church
See ya next week
Goodbye little feet
I’ll be here