Ms. Cheryl's Poetic Flow Corner

Post date: Oct 15, 2009 6:11:22 AM Titled, "I Live Here But I don’t Live Here" for girls & women

I live here, but I don’t live here.

I was ordained to live here in godly abundance in every area,

Instead of living confused with embodied emotional and mental Hysteria.

Ordained from the beginning to live and function healthy within my frame,

spiritually, physically as well as mentally without going insane.

while my spirit will surpass the carnality and everything that is temporal collectively.

I was thought about, talked about and called in the heavenlies.

My creation is worth more than just,

the reproduction of life and catering unlimited,

But God, also promised me, a woman, a life full of his


Oh I live here, but I don’t live here

No longer will my dreams, visions, and destiny remain unleaven

because I was destined to live in God’s kingdom on Earth, as it

is in Heaven.

I live here but I don’t live here

Yes, you see me but do you see me?

I’m Queen Esther, Prophetess Miriam, Joanna, Judge, leader, and Prophetess Deborah. I’m a hand-maiden, servant, a worshipper, pro-creator Eve, and Ruth favored. I’m also Mary and Elizabeth expecting and pregnant with a promise, purpose, and divine destiny.

I live here but I don’t live here

created to walk besides a man not in front or behind,

Forget the curves in my body

But it is in Christ that I shine

In him I live, move, and have my being too

I’m not a chicken head, hen, chick on the outside,

nor a fling and somebody’s fool.

And if you can envision me in Christ

I’m the original Bling! Bling!

Jesus said, “let the poor say I am rich and the weak say I am strong.

I’m now prophesying to you my sista

When you say what Jesus said,

“You can have what you say.” Check it out,

it’s in the Book.

What ever you ask you shall receive it in Jesus name.

That’s what He said go take a look!

We are what we speak or what we say,

Just as we are what we eat so remember

Living in godly abundance is the way.

Author: Cheryl Y. Howard.

Copyright: 2007