GMH Voices

This section includes various perspectives, stories, and concerns of people around the world related to GMH. Much of the emphasis is on the experiences with mental health conditions and mental health systems and attempts to regain mental health. As you will see, there is a mix of experiences ranging from getting quality help and healing to being rejected and deteriorating. There are of course many more items that could be included! (most of the items below are from 2011, when this section was originally put on the GMH-Map website)

An Uncharacteristic Happy Ending (Nepal). Jagannath Lamichhane ( Kathmandu Post, 18 May 2011)

See also these articles:


God of the Schizophrenic—Rediscovering my Faith amid the Ravages of Mental Illness (USA), David Weiss, Christianity Today, May 2011)

Mental Health: Out of the Cuckoo’s Nest (UK). Mary O’Hara, Guardian 18 November 2009. Article about psychiatrist Daniel Fischer and his advocacy work, background, current issues in mental health, etc.

Campaigner Brings People with Autism to the Table (UK). Mary O’Hara, Guardian, 8 June 2011)

Schizophrenia Explained to Family and Friends (France, Europe) Estelle Saget, Magazine of the WFMH Center for Family and Consumer Support an Advocacy) (First Quarter 2010, pp. 3-7) (Note this article received first place in the European Union Health Prize for Journalists; for a French version: )

Psychiatry: Where Are We Going ? (blog post from NIMH Director Thomas Insel, 3 June 2011

National Empowerment Center in Massachusetts USA. Daniel B. Fisher, MD, PhD. Resources and stories from different perspectives which often challenge traditional mental health practices.

Madness Radio: Voices an Visions from Outside Mental Health. Fascinating stories and discussions on a variety of mental health topics. Over 125 radio programs available for free.

A Mind that Found Itself by Clifford Beers. This book tells the story of a young man who is gradually enveloped by a psychosis. His well-meaning family commits him to a series of mental hospitals, but he is brutalized by the treatment, and his moments of fleeting sanity become fewer and fewer. His ultimate recovery is a triumph of the human spirit.

Shunned: Discrimination Against People with Mental llness. Graham Thornicroft (2006) Oxford: Oxford University Press. This book photographs, narratives, and experiences of people with mental disorders, also exploring the realities of discrimination and stigma.

Shackling Trauma in Indonesia (BBC, 1 November 2011)

Mapping the Language of Mental Health, Redefining Care for HIV-Affected Youth (example of work and a personal story from Rwanda, Harvard/PIH Family Strengthening Intervention project--on Partners in Health website)

Adopting a Troubled Child (Rwanda, Harvard/PIH Family Strengthening Intervention project---on Partners in Health website)